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Getting closer to a real dieanoges of Corbin. We went to Children's Hospital in Phoenix 4-14-08 they did a lot of blood work and finely an EEG............Took them long enough.

This all started 2-7-08 they should have done the EEG then.

They called today to tell me they need a RE-DRAW on his blood.

A CBC draw.

And a SECRATE????

Dose anyone know what SECRATE is??????????

I would appreciate any input on this, I have know clue what a SECRATE blood test is.

Thank You


Please any one I do not know what Separate blood draw is.

I am a little scared here

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How is your little guy doing?


He is still jerking his head to the right. Sometimes all day Sometimes just a few times a day.

It is driving me nuts.

The doctors have no clue what has caused this to happen.

Thank you for asking Kim.


Kim Thank You for the Web-site.

That is what they are checking for Lupus of Infection!

Thank you Thank You

This Site is the Best Place to find Information for our kids

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