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My daughter is having a palatal expander placed in two days to expand her palate in preparation for braces. The orthodontist said she would have to wear it (continuously) for 6-8 months. I am SO afraid that it is going to be a "safe haven" for strep. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to how she can cleanse it everyday to keep it from holding onto any strep. I have read that xylitol kills strep and I have a bag of it. Does anyone know if I can dissolve the xylitol (it looks just like sugar) in water and have her gargle with it? Would gargling once a day with grapefruit seed extract dissolved in water kill strep? Any ideas would be so appreciated. Thanks!Colleen




I loaned out a book I had on coconut oil, but I do remember reading coconut oil helps kill all kinds of strep. Some strep I had not even heard of. I would think she could hold coconut oil in her mouth for a time and then swallow it.


I don't know anything about xylitol.






My son's homeopathic pediatrician put him on Xlear nasal spray for some slight nasal inflammation. I had to go to their website to find a local retailer. They appear to have some great products that combine xylitol and grapefruit seed extract, including the nasal spray. They have gum and other products as well. I think they may have had a rinse or gargle product too. Just Google "Xlear." Hope this helps.



My daughter is having a palatal expander placed in two days to expand her palate in preparation for braces. The orthodontist said she would have to wear it (continuously) for 6-8 months. I am SO afraid that it is going to be a "safe haven" for strep. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to how she can cleanse it everyday to keep it from holding onto any strep. I have read that xylitol kills strep and I have a bag of it. Does anyone know if I can dissolve the xylitol (it looks just like sugar) in water and have her gargle with it? Would gargling once a day with grapefruit seed extract dissolved in water kill strep? Any ideas would be so appreciated. Thanks!Colleen

We use a xylitol mouthwash as my son has space maintainers permanently in for now to keep his molars back. It's been in for a year and he only had strep once(for the first time in his life!). We also chew xylitol gum which does not stick to his spacers. His top spacer actually has a rubber piece that sits right up against the roof of his mouth with a wire running through it and we've not had an increase in illnesses this year. We also use the xylitol product, xlear for nasal passage cleaning. I saw someone else mentioned it, as well.

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