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I am just so overwhelmed right now. I don't know which avenue to pursue to heal my almost 9 yr old son.


His tics are relatively mild compared to much of what I read somedays. He repeatedly says "hmmm" when excited or tired or stressed. He also smells his fingers, kisses, or puts his mouth/cheek on objects or me. That's about it.


The tics aren't affecting him at school. Kids have noticed the vocal tic but he seems ok with that for now. He is going thru another stage of having trouble focusing and being organized at school. He is very bright and academics come easy for him but the organization is another story!


We found an Environmental Physician here. Her treatment is with P/N allergy testing. She wants to start next week. I am not sure I am comfortable doing so. Will we be opening up more problems or truly helping?


Just started him on a good Probiotic and Enzymes as she thinks he has candida overgrowth. I think so too. He has daily stomach aches. She wanted Nystatin but I am going to try Candida Clear instead. She also wants us to do Buffered Vitamin C and Magnesium Taurate. We haven't introduced them yet because we are also going dairy free this week! See, lots of things going on at once and I want to be able to recognize what it is that is helping/hurting. So we can't do too much at once!


What would you do? Would you cancel/postpone the allergy testing? The drs rationale was that we should do it before allergy season starts as we suspect that has something to do with it, too.


But who knows? I want to get a reverse osmosis water treatment system and a Hepa filter, too.


All of the P/N treatments are out of pocket and will be very costly. I will pay anything to help my son but I want it to be the right thing to do...


Also, his bday and his 1st Communion are within the next few weeks. I am afraid of stirring up more tics somehow and having to deal with that during the excitement of those events. I know he will probably tic more anyway just due to the situations.


I appreciate your advice! I feel so lost right now! I know you have all been there, too...


Hello Hope,


I can confirm that the P/N treatment is very expensive!!!!


We are 2 months into the treatment, and at the moment my dd has 16 antigens mixed in a vial. We give her .05ml three times a day before food. A book that explains P/N testing you could read is "IS THIS YOUR CHILD?" by Doris Rapp. I would buy one used as it's quite expensive. (ISBN 0-688-11907-7)


I have seen no improvement so far, but I don't know whats going on inside her. To be honest i wish that I'd carried out a food allergy test first to find the worst offenders, as so far she has shown a high reaction to everything we have tested for. Because she likes a good variety of food we still have to test lots more foods and more environmental allergies. I will say that the tests take along time to carry out.


When we went dairy free we quickly noticed her stammer and "mmmm" noise reduce, and then stop. We went organic and removed e numbers etc at the same time.


The good advice that I've received from the forum is


clean up diet and environment

Find allergies

go slowly, try one thing and see how your son reacts


I sent myself into a spin trying to find the triggers, now I concentrate on one issue and stay alot saner!


As far as the water filter goes, then I would see this as a positive thing as you are removing more nasty toxins from your sons diet.


Look into the allergy testing before you commit to the P/N.


I will let you know if our dd's baseline drops with any of her tested antigens in about a month.


Good Luck.





I forgot to mention that I started a food diary and logged supplements, different enviroments, and all my dds reactions and have found this to be invaluable. Write down as much as you can, even if you don't see a trigger.


Also use the search function on candida as it seems to be an issue with general health, as is with my dd.




We tried the p/n method last summer and not only is it expensive, but very time consuming! My son was found allergic to 3 foods and we did the shots for about 2-3 weeks and it didn't seem to help and he hated it so we quit. A month or so later we did the IgG testing and the results came back with him allergic to 14 foods so it seems the p/n method is not as reliable- at least in our case. The p/n testing takes so long it really wasn't possible for us to test 115 foods like you get with the IgG testing. But we did test some of the foods using the p/n method and he did not show an allergic reaction, but they came up as allergic on the IgG. It really can get confusing.


I think the best advice I can give is to go slow like Jules said. Get the Hepa filter and the water treatment system first and then go from there. Those are things that are going to benefit your entire family. Removing dairy made a big difference for our son. Then see how adding the probiotic and other supplements help. Only add one supplement at a time. Keeping a diary is essential in the beginning. It really helps for you to see what is working and something to keep to look back on. I use a notebook and on the first page I write the date and what he had to eat that day for meals and snacks and what supplements I gave him. Then on the back I would rate the severity of the tics or other issues like if he wet the bed etc. Remember when they eat an offending food it stays in their system for 3 days so you could see a reaction for that long. Hope this helps.



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