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low histime/high histime


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Hi everyone,

Just from reading, I thought my daughter would fall into the catagory of high histime/under metholaytor. Then I read about the low histimine. I read that brain allergies are low histime. For example my daughter tics more when she has artificial flavors, and anti-histimines help her. I thought she would be a high histimine. Then when you read about histimines, artificial flavors falls under the low histimine. I don't know im confused any body more familiar with this. I know personally myself I think I am high histimine. Everything I read about sounds like me. My daughter im still confused. I did ask the doc if she can be tested for that, he was very polite did not say no, just swiched to the stool test. Which im happy about, but I still want to know about the histime. One thing at a time, I guess.

I'm kind of confused myself, so if you say WHAT after reading the above, I understand.

Thanks maryann

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Hi everyone,

Just from reading, I thought my daughter would fall into the catagory of high histime/under metholaytor. Then I read about the low histimine. I read that brain allergies are low histime. For example my daughter tics more when she has artificial flavors, and anti-histimines help her. I thought she would be a high histimine. Then when you read about histimines, artificial flavors falls under the low histimine. I don't know im confused any body more familiar with this. I know personally myself I think I am high histimine. Everything I read about sounds like me. My daughter im still confused. I did ask the doc if she can be tested for that, he was very polite did not say no, just swiched to the stool test. Which im happy about, but I still want to know about the histime. One thing at a time, I guess.

I'm kind of confused myself, so if you say WHAT after reading the above, I understand.

Thanks maryann

Hi - I tried to delete the whole question. Mabey I make more into things then they really are. The reason why I wanted to know the above is because I explained to the doctor when she takes two multi

vitamins she seems to sleep well. When she takes what he suggested 4 vitamins she gets up at night. So, I was thinking mabey this was because of the folic acid , for high histimine. I told that to the doc and he said for her to take 3 multi vitimins. Since I could not delete it, I figured I would try to explain. Thanks

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