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Hi Everyone,

I know this has been discussed numerous times, but, there have been several mentions of different Dr.'s and tests to have run for allergies, sensitivities, intolerances, etc., that I am not sure what to do. I want to have my kids checked for Candida, gluten intolerance, casein, food allergies/sensitivities,etc. Now, if possible, of course, I'd like to go somewhere where this could be covered by insurance. Is that possible? Do traditional Dr.'s/allergists run these tests? If not, what kind of Dr. do I need to see to have these done? What tests do I ask for to have these all covered?


Thanks so Much!!!!


Hi Everyone,

I know this has been discussed numerous times, but, there have been several mentions of different Dr.'s and tests to have run for allergies, sensitivities, intolerances, etc., that I am not sure what to do. I want to have my kids checked for Candida, gluten intolerance, casein, food allergies/sensitivities,etc. Now, if possible, of course, I'd like to go somewhere where this could be covered by insurance. Is that possible? Do traditional Dr.'s/allergists run these tests? If not, what kind of Dr. do I need to see to have these done? What tests do I ask for to have these all covered?


Thanks so Much!!!!



I am not sure about the insurance part of it all but could you at least state what area you are from. That would help a great deal. Or are you willing to travel? I can only answer from my own experiences and from reading the boards...




I just went through this. I was in constant inner turmoil about finding a specialist. (They all seem to be on the wrong coast.) Then it dawned on me, the best doctor to see for tests is the one who will sign the slip. This will most likely not be your pediatrician, but rather a DAN doctor, Naturopath, or Environmental doctor. I, like you, already knew what tests I wanted. I also looked at the lab's websites for tests/costs/coverages. It took months to find the last piece of the puzzle, but ironically it was this simple: I googled "naturopath Los Angeles," and there he was a mile and a half from home. He is not an expert in tic disorders, but I am quickly becoming one, and we're working together.




Hi All,


My daughter (12 yrs) has suffered from transient tics since she was 5. She has had stomach problems that last few years, I thought she was lactose. I called the pedi a few weeks ago, and explained about the recent bout of tics plus stomach problems getting worse. I told her I would like the IgG test. She agreed and wants to test for celiac also. I don't think she would have done it, if the stomach issues were not present. She is our regular pedi. So, I guess if you have something else going on in addition to the tics, your pedi might be open to the IgG testing. We got the blood done on Thursday and have our appointment this coming Friday. I'll be at my wits end if it doesn't show something.......



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