myrose Posted February 14, 2008 Report Posted February 14, 2008 My daughter came down with a cold. It went on for two days and I deceided to take her in for a check. (I am not sure why I did for I truly believed that it was just a cold.) Other than COMPLETE congestion in her nose and a cough that started on Tuesday, she has no other symptoms at all. She is also acting her usual self as far as energy etc.. I asked the doctor to check her for strep. My daughter did not have a sore throat at all but I was just curious as to this PANDAS thing. came out positive. I can't believe it really! I was in shock. I asked my daughter again if she had a sore throat and she said no again. We were prescribed Amoxicillin (liquid form, 1- 1/2 teaspoons, 2x a day for 10 days. My question is if her symptoms disappear while on antibiotics (tics) could this then maybe have something to do with Pandas? She was diagnosed with a tic-disorder by her neurolgist who sees her every 6 months. He did order the blood work in the beginning when we first saw him. His orders were for: TSH, Antistreptolysin O Ab, Anti-DNASE B STREP Antibodies, Venipuncture. It was all okay according to his nurse when I called to check on the results. She has never had strep throat before (well now I am thinking that maybe she did and we did not know) I am confused now...... Any advice....
P_Mom Posted February 14, 2008 Report Posted February 14, 2008 I'd say yes...if her symptoms lessen or dissappear, I'd consider looking more into PANDAS/PITANDS. Also, it is extremely common for kids with PANDAS to show non of the usual symptoms of strep. Good thing you had it checked!!!
myrose Posted February 14, 2008 Author Report Posted February 14, 2008 I'd say yes...if her symptoms lessen or dissappear, I'd consider looking more into PANDAS/PITANDS. Also, it is extremely common for kids with PANDAS to show non of the usual symptoms of strep. Good thing you had it checked!!! Thanks so much for your help. I was getting confused as to if her tics should increase or get worse with the antibiotics.... I think I just have been reading TOO much and my brain is just overloaded with so much that I just cannot make sense of it anymore. Thanks again and I am praying to see if maybe this will give us a diagnosis. I have already accepted that there is indeed something wrong but I just want to know WHAT IT IS! I am sick of hearing....well I will see you in 5-6 months, it could get worse or maybe even go away! FRUSTRATED TO SAY THE LEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way the doctor who diagnosed the strep today...NEVER heard of pandas. I don't get it!
faith Posted February 14, 2008 Report Posted February 14, 2008 Jasminsky, I was reading your original post describing your daughter's story, and it does seem that her symptoms are quite a few and may very well have to do with PANDAS. Although curious that you have had the titers testing and it was normal? How long ago was that? Do you know the actual numbers? You should make a call to that doctors office and get a copy of that. Also what are her symptoms right now? my son is not PANDAS, although I always keep on top of the information for you never know. Last year tho we did have an interesting episode where my son started a heavy eye twitch and like looking up, I was very alarmed (although he has had tics before but never this much and obvious). he was also very hyper and a little out of control at a party. Then on the way home he said his throat hurt and we went to doctor two days later. The doctor diagnosed strep and gave amoxycilin. Within a couple of days, the eye twitching stopped, I really thought after all I read that maybe there was a connection. But we went to the infectious disease doc and had the tests and they came out normal. So that was that. .... I'd be interested to know how it goes after four or five days on the antibiotic. Is this the first time she's ever had antibiotic since her tics have started? You mention Dr. Murphy. Some here have said that she does not go too much by the titers test, but if the symptoms are exacerbated and then respond to the antibiotic and then exacerbate again when off the antibiotic, that is the pattern they look for. Those that have seen her can give you more advice. Good Luck, Faith
myrose Posted February 14, 2008 Author Report Posted February 14, 2008 Jasminsky,I was reading your original post describing your daughter's story, and it does seem that her symptoms are quite a few and may very well have to do with PANDAS. Although curious that you have had the titers testing and it was normal? How long ago was that? Do you know the actual numbers? You should make a call to that doctors office and get a copy of that. Also what are her symptoms right now? my son is not PANDAS, although I always keep on top of the information for you never know. Last year tho we did have an interesting episode where my son started a heavy eye twitch and like looking up, I was very alarmed (although he has had tics before but never this much and obvious). he was also very hyper and a little out of control at a party. Then on the way home he said his throat hurt and we went to doctor two days later. The doctor diagnosed strep and gave amoxycilin. Within a couple of days, the eye twitching stopped, I really thought after all I read that maybe there was a connection. But we went to the infectious disease doc and had the tests and they came out normal. So that was that. .... I'd be interested to know how it goes after four or five days on the antibiotic. Is this the first time she's ever had antibiotic since her tics have started? You mention Dr. Murphy. Some here have said that she does not go too much by the titers test, but if the symptoms are exacerbated and then respond to the antibiotic and then exacerbate again when off the antibiotic, that is the pattern they look for. Those that have seen her can give you more advice. Good Luck, Faith Hello Faith, My daughters bloodwork was done on 8/31/07. I do not know the levels it came out. I do not know anything about them so even if I knew what they were I am afraid it would make no sense to me. she always complained of a sore throat for a period of time. I took her for a strep test a few years ago when I was informed that a girl at a birthday we attended had it. It came out negative but the doctor had a hard time trying to swap her throat, she really would not allow it. I always wondered about that test in the back of my mind only because that was the time she continued to complain of the sore throat. That test was done in Feb 06 and her her first tic (eye blinking) started in October/Novemeber of 06. Around this time she had also toe curling and some adomen tensing. These went away and she then continued with the shoulder shrugs and a sort of a body jerk. These were always very mild but very obvious at the same time. (In other words it was noticed by others) The Doctor finally agreed to send her to a neuroligist this past year in August 07. He ordered EEG, MRI and the bloodwork. He said it was just a "Habit". We went back this past December and he diagnosed her as having a tic-disorder. She continued to tic but mildly since then. Then in January it seemed to be getting worse. Her body jerked a few times so hard that it produced a grunting sound out of her. Then she got a stuffed nose that would not go away (kept coming and going) so I took her in to see the Doctor adn she was prescribed Nasonex. The day after she started this all her tics went away. Slowly a stomping of the foot started but that is the only thing she has going on now. Its very mild but she is definately stomping her foot down when walking. She is stomping it very hard. Her teachers noticed a disapearing of all the tics that were noticeable as well. Weird huh? So now today we go in for a cold (cough and stuffed nose again) and we get a diagnose of strep and we were also put back on the nasonex along with the amoxicillin. This is the first time my daughter has ever taken an antibiotic in her life. (She will be 6 in September) The more I read about all these things on the board the more I see of her in all the posts. But its so confusing as to the tourettes, the pandas, OCD, ADHA.....she could have a symptom of them all in my opinion. She TOO was very hyper at a party but seems now to be hyper all the time. Just overwhelmed I guess with all the reading and the late hous I have kept over the past months. I am her Mom and I am supposed to be able to help her and I can't. The tics bother her...she does not like them and feels as though people will make fun of her. I have Bonnies Vitamins ready to go but after the reduction with the nasonex I was trying to find a good envirnomentalist for her. Then tonight I read about Dr. Murphy and being that she is only in Gainesveille (2 hours or so from us) I thought that might be a good place to start??????????????? sorry this turned to be such a long reply. Guess I am in venting mode again....
faith Posted February 14, 2008 Report Posted February 14, 2008 Even if you don't know what the numbers were, you should make a call and ask for a copy of that to be sent to you anyway (the medical records are yours) even if you don't understand it, someone here will explain it to you, basically numbers lower than 200 are considered normal. It would be handy to have this on hand in case you see other doctors too. So am I understanding correctly that since using the Nasonex her tics have calmed down, except for the foot stomp? See, it will be difficult to tell if the antibiotics are having a positive effect if there is not much going on now, but surely you will be able to tell if there are any negative effects or exacerbations once the course is completed, but probably won't show up til maybe a week after. I also just wanted to tell you, since you have mentioned you (and she) are worried of being made fun of, if it means anything, my son has had tics in first, second and now thrid grade. Mostly it is a vocal clearing sound, but I notice other things like eye twitching which waxes and wanes and a few other things that are subtle but noticeable to me because I'm looking for it... well, I just wanted to give you some reassurance that it is, I think, way more upsetting to us as parents, and most times the other kids do not even pay much attention to other kids every move. There is so much activity going on with kids at this age that most of it will not be noticed as tics. Thankfully, and praise God, for I think that is our worst fear, it has never been an issue amongst his peers or classmates. Perhaps they do realize he makes some noises, but the teacher says they are just used to it. My son is quite friendly and a typical boy and is not that self concious about the tics and so I think his attitude goes a long way to not bring attention to them. So best thing is to act like its no big deal so as not to make her self-concious and just let her and her personality shine through, not the tics. Don't know if that helps any, but I just hope you don't go through the agony that I (and many of us here) did in the beginning just not knowing what the future held. I praise God that my worst fears have not been realized. ... Although I still worry about those middle school years ... Blessings, Faith P.S. you didn't mention about the vaccine I was asking about - any vaccines or flu shots last year?
CSP Posted February 14, 2008 Report Posted February 14, 2008 I just wanted to agree with Faith, I hope people don't spent as much time worring about the unknown as I did. We will be coming up on 2 1/2 years for my son. When I was crumpled in a ball on the bathroom floor every morning thinking I could not handle this, all the thoughts of what will happen to my son as he grows was so scary I couldn't function. I decided to put on paper all my prayers I wanted God to grant to help me through this, and I have seen He is answering them all. The one prayer I thought was too far-fetched for me to ask, but I did because my son loves baseball so much, was if he could play college ball. Well I found out a few week ago that the small Catholic college I was hoping my son would attend has a baseball team. They are not the kind of school one gets drafted for, so my prayer for that is looking like it will be answered too. Nothing is too far-fetched for God. Praise the Lord, C.P.
kkver Posted February 14, 2008 Report Posted February 14, 2008 Jasminky Keep track on tics during 1st 48 hours . If those are due to PANDAS they will go down and by 5 to 7 days will be reduced to minimum . Second It is possible to have regular titer counts and still have Tics in PANDAS cause that is one of the conditions. If you have +ve strep test and Tics emerge after that it is clear indication of PANDAS. Hope she gets better and let us know how it goes after 24 hours.
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