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Anybody been thinking about this?


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Hi All,


Mark touched on something I have been thinking about. I didn't want to take over his post so I started a new one.


I have noticed lately in teens how obsessed they are with their cell phones, and my-space. I picked up a part time job to help pay for the organic food, and I work with some teens. My oldest daughter (16) workes with me. These kids are not aloud to have their cell phones on their body while at work. We have lockers, and these kids are always in the back kitchen area checking to see who called them. I see it when I'm out shopping kids are flipping the phone, a minute later flipping it again. They seem anxious. Does anyone else notice this?


My daughter got a cell phone 2 years ago but was told it was only for her to call us, and no-one else. She is very well liked by the owner, and I think it is because her mind is not on these distractions.


My-space, seems to be another one.


I wanted to give the parents with younger kids a heads up on what I have observed, because I'm wondering how this effects our kids with OCD. My son really has no OCD except his obsession with sports, (what man isn't) ^_^ I'm worried if he would develope OCD with these toys so meny kids have now days.


Anyway I wanted to see if anyone else has thought about this, and wanted to share so parents had a chance to think about this when your children become of age for cell phones ect.ect.


Any thoughts,


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These items are a HUGE distraction in a classroom. There are rules that they are to be off and out of sight, but they are on silent. I catch kids texting during class all the time. How can you be learning if you are SO concerned about what the latest gossip is? Oh, and now they have internet access on their IPODS and cell phones....that combined with wireless access in school allows them to check their my space accounts in the classroom (if the teacher is not "on top" of them!). They can text without looking at the letters/numbers. They do it inside sweatshirt pockets.


My suggestion to parents would be that they check their child's detailed bill to see if there is any activity during school hours!!!!! I also have the problem of PARENTS texting kids during class. The student will ask to walk outside and call their parent!!!!


You are so lucky that your daughter is not crazy about the whole cell phone thing!!!!

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I think you are so right about this. For some of our kids in particular, the obsession aspect could be a problem. I just read an article about kids in Japan being so attached to their cell phones that they literally couldn't function without them. Some talked of not being able to get through the day if they accidentally forgot them; they would cry and fake-sick to go home because they couldn't take it. Also, they told that they often passed "friends" (that the texted with) in the hall without saying a word, but would text them moments later. Their relationship was purely technological. They were not interested in face-to-face, and felt strange doing it.


So, I think the problem is so much bigger than obsession. Some children are not learing how to function face to face in a real society. They live much of life in a virtual one. On top of this, it is reinforcing small attention spans, that are only getting smaller. When everything is instant, and flashy, it is so much harder to appreciate the slower moving reality of much of the real world--nature, science, math, literature, and so on.


School and work are definitely no place for these devices. Family time should also be given appropriate time device-free.



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