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I have and adult son (25) who suffers from aspergers, ocd and is mildly intellectually impaired. My problem is that i dont now how to handle his fettish with stealing womens underwear . When i have a confrontation with him, he goes into a rage of self hate and threatens to commit suicide. He is on medication of Androcur,Risperdal and Cipramil. Any suggestions out there.


Hi Suzie,


I just wanted to say what a great mom you are to seek answers for your son. I have OCD and it was very severe as a child. I know exactly what it feels like to feel like you have to do something over and over even when you know inside your mind it makes no sense. I also know what it is like to have God show you the way out of this and it was through His hand that I have ultimately learned how to handle OCD. So I will be praying that your son will seek God's guidance in His life.


I was also thinking you might want to check out the Pfieffer Treatment Center. They might be able to give you some guidance. They deal specifically with what your son is dealing with .... OCD and behavior issues. Here is the link http://www.hriptc.org/ . From what I have read it seems like they are credible but I have had not personal experience myself with them.


I am understanding OCD more and more and I understand that it can be helped. There are so many options in supplements, dietary changes, cognitive behavioral therapy (huge in helping out OCD), checking for candida (overgrowth of yeast in the intestional system), seeing if you have heavy metal toxicity, avoiding MSG and Aspartame, avoiding foods with food dyes, and checking to see if PANDAs has become an issue (PANDAs is the strep virus that has turned to cause neurological problems).


I thought this might be helpful. This is a post by Chemar. Her son had severe OCD and he is know doing very well http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=687 . A really good naturopathic doctor could be of a real good thing for your son to go to. A naturopathic doctor can help figure out what supplements can help out and run tests to rule out possibilities. Also many people on this forum use doctors called DAN doctors. They deal with austism but many people have found these doctors to be very knowledgeable with OCD and tourettes. Here is a link to look up information regarding DAN doctors http://www.autismwebsite.com/aRI/dan/dan.htm .


Also I wanted to share with you what God has shown me how to handle my OCD. I was responding to a woman, and you will see her post first, as to what I have learned. It is a long post so hang in there http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2623 .


There is so much hope for your son. It is just getting to the root of what is going on within him.


Hang in there and I will be praying for you!


Carolyn N.

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