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The symptoms for gluten intolerance and candida overgrowth are very similar. If your son was not officially dx'd with gluten intolerance or celiac, perhaps his problem is a candida one? Could it also be both?

We cut our supps almost completely out and only give multies, fish oil, omega 6s. Tigger drinks fortified unsweetened Rice milk, but we do also give minimal dairy. We are following a GF MF and carefully selected carbs that do not exasperate candida issues (low sugars, no peanut, no chocolate, low vinegars, no pickles). We are using a little Kefir now, as per recommended by another parent, to help with gut flora. For the first time since the holidays Tigger has NO tics. (Over the holidays we ate our share of chocolate and GF sweets.) Tigger had some hyper issues too, partly due to the excitement, I'm sure, and partly due to diet. He is much more settled now.

I have mixed feelings about the GF baked goods. I went down that road twice in the last nine months and both times Tigger had an increase in symptoms. I really believe our problem is both gluten and candida.

You can do gluten free without the added expense if you just prepare regular meals without the added gluten. I just buy tapioca flour, potato starch, and rice flour and mix them according to Betty Hagman's recipe. Then I use the mix for all my gravies and stews. Pop me a personal message if you want to talk more about specifics. I don't want to go too far OT on gluten free stuff.





I have been wondering about kefir, would one be concerned about the grains used, if one were avoiding yeast? I have been tossing around in my head... I would like to make my own kefir with our raw milk, but I have let fear take hold, and have not jumped into that yet. My son showed no yeast problems, but I am keeping the yeast down in his diet.

How do you feel about the kefir?




I really cut back on supplements while his tics subsided end of Dec. till this week. I am trying to go back because his behaviors are so much worse. Yes we had yeast issues in the past. I am going to try returning to Nystatin every other day. He is throwing out the drinks as soon as I leave the room. He hims and haws about getting them down when I turn around for a monute the glass is gone. I was basically giving him meat before no buns, vegatables, potatoes, chips, fritos. But then it was like evrything I made got wasted. GF pizza, thrown out, GF pasta thrown out, gf breads, muffins, pancakes thrown out. GF cereals, pretzals, cookies thrown out. He was eating virtually nothing I made. This is so hard. If he is hyperactive and producing too many endorphis in the brain what is going to fix that? Eating GF? Supplements? Nystatin? I can see why people fall to ADD meds because it is a quick fix. Just being with him for the day is trying. He whines, screams and complains about everything that does not go his way. Sorry but today is a day off school for all kids and it has been alot of fun!


Is it possible that too many supplements can cause a problem ? Have you ever tried going off the supps. to see what happens?


Keep your chin up.

I totally relate, in so many ways you don't even realize---

I can't remember how old you ds is. Sorry.

My suggestions may not be relevant.

Depending on his age, it may be the best thing for him to hit rock bottom and then desire to improve on his own from there. (Obviously not a good idea if he is 5-7 yrs old). But an older kid might just be bucking for a bit of independence?

He might see the whole GF thing as a control issue. I know saying this is going against all I stand for at the moment--BUT--

If you let him 'do it his way' for a certain period of time (that you two determine together)-- like say, 2 weeks--

and then just take a mental holiday and let what happens happen.

No supps, no diet, no nothing.

What is the worst that could happen? He will probably wax, probably get in further trouble at school, have more outbursts--

But he can't blame it on you, the diet, etc... whatever.

Set up rules ahead of time for expectations and behavior and then let him take total control of himself. If he fails, he fails. Then you can come together and talk about it in a supportive and non-threatening way. He may be more receptive to the changes if he sees for himself that he needs it.

Also, When you do get him 'on board' then it would help to find a support group for him if one is possible. (There are a lot of celiac support groups for kids/teens in different parts of the country that actually meet and go out together socially). Again, if he is much younger this info is not relevant.

As far as my Tigger goes, (age 5), our house is totally gluten and corn free, so there is no temptation at home and he never feels alienated from the family or left out. I have never 'given in' and given him something with gluten when we are out either. He just knows where I stand. That does not mean he has never 'cheated' behind my back and eaten something. When it has happened I didn't punish, just explained that there may be symptoms. He no longer desires to eat 'regular' food. He is afraid to after experiencing what can happen to him. (He has puked twice). Now having said this I have to add a disclaimer for anyone reading this for the first time: my ds has gluten intolerance and a wheat allergy. Not all kids suffering from tics/TS are gluten intolerant or allergic to wheat.




The real die-hards say no grains, esp: wheat and corn. (corn has a high mold factor), no starches (potatoes or thickeners)

No peanut butter or chocolate either.

No vinegar or pickled products.

Basically-- no enjoyment in food IMHO.

We do use potatoes and thickeners in our foods. I do feed Tigger Elisa tested oatmeal (safe for celiacs), and rice products. When I stay away from GF sweets he is symptom free. When he eats them for a time I will see either eye blinks or shoulder shrugs emerge. I would love to do the SCD but I just don't have the energy to take it up a notch-- I've got 3 kids and a dh from Eire who would just die if I took away his daily dose of potatoes and GF cookies with tea. Tigger is just getting over a stomach bug and he has been completely symptom free for a week now and eating starches but no 'sugar' foods. I am giving him store bought kefir for good flora. So I think he sweated out the toxins from the holidays and his system is recovering. I'm going to try to keep the sugars down for a while and see what happens.



My son just turned six this month. I can't understand why he did not test sensitive to any allergies. We went to a gastro Dr/allergist. I wonder if he did not test him for celiac? Andrew gets addicted to sugars too. He likes his sweets. I have noticed eye blinking now. It has been coming on for about a week. We went to Disney on ice yesterday and it was very loud and bright lights flashing and he really blinked through the show. I always gave him potatoes while on GF. He loves hamburgers but I had taken off the buns before. I will have to go back to that. He would eat GF Preservative free ham and roll it up. I would give him GF pretzals or fritos. There is not much good foods that are GF though. Most recipes my family wouldn't eat. I think the GF website had a nice list of products. I just felt I waisted alot of money on foods that were thrown out. Most GF breads were so heavy. If anyone has good recipes to share or even simple items that are good please let me know. I have never joined a GF group before but I know there is one near by. Dr. Demio a DAN DR. suggested the Gf for Andrew but I just wish a regular Dr. would also confirm that it would be in his best interest. They all laugh when you tell them he is on the diet and ask why? The last Dr. who is an immunologist has never called about the blood work. I questioned going through it all again but he said he wanted the right tests run. Let's hope he reads them and follows up. Two weeks tomorrow. I will call him if he doesn't call me. I even thought about talking to my chiropracter. Do they know something about these kinds of issues?



The real die-hards say no grains, esp: wheat and corn. (corn has a high mold factor), no starches (potatoes or thickeners)

No peanut butter or chocolate either.

No vinegar or pickled products.

Basically-- no enjoyment in food IMHO.

We do use potatoes and thickeners in our foods. I do feed Tigger Elisa tested oatmeal (safe for celiacs), and rice products. When I stay away from GF sweets he is symptom free. When he eats them for a time I will see either eye blinks or shoulder shrugs emerge. I would love to do the SCD but I just don't have the energy to take it up a notch-- I've got 3 kids and a dh from Eire who would just die if I took away his daily dose of potatoes and GF cookies with tea. Tigger is just getting over a stomach bug and he has been completely symptom free for a week now and eating starches but no 'sugar' foods. I am giving him store bought kefir for good flora. So I think he sweated out the toxins from the holidays and his system is recovering. I'm going to try to keep the sugars down for a while and see what happens.




good list of pro

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