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Food Allergy Testing - Anyone used Sage Labs?


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My son's tics and emotional outbursts were very bad this week. School is back in session, I started giving him glasses milk (he usually only has it in cereal), and I found out that the bagels he had all week contained wheat gluten. I am only beginning to look at Gluten and Caesin....I am starting with vitamins and then taking more foods away.


We have an appointment at his school to discuss the school's finding as to his learning and focus issues. We have nuerologist and pediatric appointments at the end of the month (to discuss possible ADHD...the nuerologist said the tics are "just tics"). It does not appear that these two doctors are going to have much openess to the "natural" approach.....but I have the appointments and have to start somewhere. I tried to find names of homeopathic doctors from this link, but the only one I found in my area was $300 for the first hour!


So, I thought maybe I could get some allergy testing done. I found a website about Sage Lab Testing for Delayed Food Allergies...I am wondering if this is the Dr. Dan person whose name appears on this forum.


Has anyone used this test before? If so, was it helpful....or better than something a local allergy doctor would do for us?


Also, I am searching for a website to find the maximum amounts of vitamin supplements to give a child. I have bought Mag. Taurate, lots of B's, Ester C, D, E, Grape Seed extract, Calcium Citrate, GABA Plus, Attention Focus pills. I was going to take them to the DR. to talk to her about it....but know that the response will probably be to give him the daily amount that is recommended for children by the FDA.


Thanks for any guidance you can give me.

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