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Hello, my son is 9 and has recently started an eye blinking tic. It looks like he's winking at you and it's on and off through the day. It started the day after he got a Playstation 2 for his 9th birthday so at first I thought it was related to that. I removed the PS2 from his life and the tic stopped but at the same time I had him on Omega 3 fish oil and cal/mag supplements. I added the PS2 back into his life(in small amounts) and the tic started again. Could this just be a coincidence?


He had a vocal tic over the summer that I attributed to his allergies. We were in CA on vacation and we both suffered severe allergies and he started clearing his throat constantly. He has seasonal allergies here in AZ and it was the beginning of that season when we came home from vacation. The throat clearing kept up as well as his allergy symptoms. When his allergies cleared up in August during monsoon season here, he stopped clearing his throat. AGAIN, I keep wondering if that's a coincidence?????


He hasn't been to the ped in 3 years but we have an appointment this next week. This whole thing is very freightening to me as I don't handle this stuff very well. I have read about ways to help him through diet and supplements. I'm pretty sure about what the ped will tell me: since this is a recent thing they probably won't diagnose TS, he'll probably tell me that ds will grow out of it, and I'll probably walk out knowing no more than when I walked in!



Ds will NOT swallow pills as he has a terrible gag reflux just like me. I have to take my supplements one at a time! So, I'll be looking for liquid or chewable supplements. He currently takes Nutrilite chewable gummy Omega 3's(they're fish oil) and he takes 2 chewable capsules of flax seed oil. I also have him on Juice Plus supplements and a chewable cal/mag.


So, I guess I'm here to just look for support and a 'where to get started' recommendation ie. websites, books, etc.




There are many posts on ACN related to the effects of TV and computers on tics and light sensitivty.




If you do a search on television- these will also filter for you.


My son could not tolerate the TV prior to eliminating casein from his diet. TV made him tic more for sure as did movies. He is only 5 so he is not into the computer games yet. Now that we have made dietary changes, he can again tolerate TV.


Good luck to you in your search to help your child.



hello and welcome. Your story is very similar to mine (except tics started much earlier). But we are dealing with these same two tics presently (some days better than others). I have had my suspicions about screens, but keep bouncing back and forth when testing it out. But I do have my theories about other things, so please read my reply below to Q's mom's post, perhaps something will ring a bell for you. ....




hello and welcome. Your story is very similar to mine (except tics started much earlier). But we are dealing with these same two tics presently (some days better than others). I have had my suspicions about screens, but keep bouncing back and forth when testing it out. But I do have my theories about other things, so please read my reply below to Q's mom's post, perhaps something will ring a bell for you. ....



Thank you for responding!

My biggest heartbreak for ds is that people keep asking him what's wrong with his eye, etc. And, I don't know what to tell them or to have him tell them! This whole thing is so overwhelming to me. I've read about some tic disorders clearing up around puberty....is that true or just hype put out there by the medical community who don't want to diagnose TS so much? So many questions, and I'm so unsure of where to start!


Hi there,


My son started with eye blinking as well around 5, he is now 9. I know that TV/Screen time is a big issue for him. He is begging for a Playstation or Wii. I know I can't give in and get it for him, because he can't handle all that screen time. Like your son, he is a gagger. I give him supplements in capsule form. I open them up, and put them in a small amount of juice and shake vigorously. He then drinks it with a large straw (I took took a bunch from D&D : -) ). I also give the Omega 3-6-9, but from flax seed in a liquid form. He took had a throat clearing tic that got much better when I added Magnesium taurate.


good luck!



What is magnesium taurate?

I've seen other forms of magnesium and have seen blended cal/mag or mag with potassium. Where do I find this and can I get it in liquid form?

Also, what is the best form of Omegas? Is it better to get it from fish oil or is a plant based Omega sufficient?

What is magnesium taurate?

I've seen other forms of magnesium and have seen blended cal/mag or mag with potassium. Where do I find this and can I get it in liquid form?

Also, what is the best form of Omegas? Is it better to get it from fish oil or is a plant based Omega sufficient?



From what I understand, it's the best form of magnesium. Chemar suggested it, and I can only find it at the Vitamin Shoppe. It's made by

Cardiovascular Research. http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/store/en/brow....jsp?id=CV-1206

I don't think it comes in liquid. My son is a gagger, but I can open these up and put the powder into juice and he

drinks it thru a thick straw. I don't think you can get it in liquid, I tried. I use the Omegas from flax seed because my son is allergic to seafood and certain fish so I was afraid to use the fish oil. Also from what I've been reading on these posts, fish oil while very good for some, can aggravate tics in others. I felt safer going with the flax seed. I also get this at the Vitamin Shoppe, its Omega 3-6-9 with evening primrose oil.

It smells like sesame seeds. My son takes a spoonful and uses juice to chase it down.

What is magnesium taurate?

I've seen other forms of magnesium and have seen blended cal/mag or mag with potassium. Where do I find this and can I get it in liquid form?

Also, what is the best form of Omegas? Is it better to get it from fish oil or is a plant based Omega sufficient?


My 6 yr old son takes Lifetime calcium/magnesium in liquid form...I think it's in citrate?, not taurate.





My son takes the Kids Calm and it is a liquid with Zinc. It does not contain calcium though and the one my son takes is a pill form, but the Kids Calm is highly recommended. Try looking on Kirkman Lab Vitamins on the web. I believe it has liquid.


Thank you all for your help.

Ds went to the dr today and he said most kids outgrow tics. He didn't seem too concerned and he thought that the PS2 causing it was probably coincidence. I think we're just in a wait and see pattern for now. I'm going to start changing one thing at a time for him for now so I can observe if certain things will help or not. This board is really helpful for information!

My son takes the Kids Calm and it is a liquid with Zinc. It does not contain calcium though and the one my son takes is a pill form, but the Kids Calm is highly recommended. Try looking on Kirkman Lab Vitamins on the web. I believe it has liquid.

I found them on a different website and noticed they were recommended for ADHD. My ds doesn't have ADHD so I'm wondering if this will help his tics?


I have to say that I am so confused. The doctor seems to think the tics will go away since we don't have any TS in the families(that we're aware of anyway). Is that true? Is there a chance that these will go away some day??? I feel so hopeless for him and yet, ds seems oblivious. He just goes about being a kid and seems to be enjoying life! I guess I'm doing a good job of keeping my worrying to myself!

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