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I know I am posting a lot, I guess I am just getting so frustrated with the "doctors" these days. I thought I found one, but, nope. Does anyone out there know of a doctor anywhere near Pittsburgh who will diagnose PANDAS and then treat if necessary? I really think my son needs to be on a preventative antibiotic.






How had you found Dr. Erenberg? I am not saying he won't help you I was just trying to tell you what he has done for us. He is well respected in the medical community and Dr's are impressed when I say we see him. I have the name of a Dr. Melvin Berger allergist an immunologist I found at Rainbow Babies who does treat PANDAS disorder with azithromycin so I have heard. This info came from a local pharmacist who fills for the family's children monthly doses plus allergy meds. Let me know what you find out. I called and was trying to see if this is his area to treat PANDAS but never got through to his nurses. I see Dr. Congeni at Childrens in Akron for the Pen V. He is willing to give it but knowledge is limited on treating PANDAS. We don't get the follow up I 'd like. Let me know if you call Dr. Berger. I think he also does IVIG. I read a study he did on it. He seems pretty up to date on immune problems. Also looks like he writes childrens books on germs. Hope this helps.








I know I am posting a lot, I guess I am just getting so frustrated with the "doctors" these days. I thought I found one, but, nope. Does anyone out there know of a doctor anywhere near Pittsburgh who will diagnose PANDAS and then treat if necessary? I really think my son needs to be on a preventative antibiotic.





Thanks so much. Dr. Berger sounds like what I am looking for. I will call and then let you know. By the way, your son is on Pen V? How is he doing?



I have been giving him augmentin for about a month after a flare up. The pen v may not be strong enough because he had a bad flare while on it. I would love to try azith as all the members here have had good success on it. Andrew is much better thanks. But, I don't like the constant feeling he has to pee but then he hardly goes. I am not sure what can help that. It is like a compulsion. Dr. Demio said to give him 5Htp which I have not started yet. It may help with the compulsiveness from what I've read here. I am giving the nystatin for the yeast every other day plus enzymes, and probiotics. Maybe that is helping the tics. His cracking is way down. Not gone but less. Maybe also the zinc and taurine are helping with the moods/pyrolle. He still says some odd/bad things and has some temper tantrums but not as many as before. I just wonder what happens the next time he is exposed? It seems to get worse each time and take longer to heal. This is very scary. I have my fingers crossed on Dr. Berger! He may prescribe azith too. Although Dr. Demio can help with the natural side. Let me know.




Thanks so much. Dr. Berger sounds like what I am looking for. I will call and then let you know. By the way, your son is on Pen V? How is he doing?


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