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We just finished a three week dose of Omniseph after Andrew was exposed to strep by my daughter. He is doing fine too just some moods that come on quickly but don't last. He had a bit of frequency to urinate on Sun. after the antibiotics were finished Fri. so I am giving him a course of Augmentin. Although the finger cracking face pressing tics never went completely away with the Omniseph the compulsiveness was way better. Before he couldn't stop thinking about Webkinz and Happy Meal toys but now it is very minimal. Today I have my phone consult with Dr. Demio the DAN Dr. on the blood work labs. I will let you know his suggestions. Possibly the tic/compulsion will not go away this time since it has been here everyday since end of July. Before they went away within 4-8 weeks. Have others seen that with time the tics just remain but are improved in frequency with the antibiotics? His don't seem as often but are still there often enough. How often do other people notice tics occuring? Have you ever timed them? Yesterday we talked about setting a timer on when he could crack. The Augmentin is three times a day so maybe it takes time to get going. Also I see an increase during staring activities like computer screens and TV too. Also when he is tired or it is late they are more frequent.


I am glad your little guy is better. I know what you mean about panic over another one getting it. I have an eight month old and I watch her and think he was this size when he started this. Amazing! When I see her blink long I stare. How is his vocal tic? What does he say? How often? Is he off antibiotics altogether now? Can't they keep him on a low dose of pen v? Did it go away completely on Azith? Please let me know how he is doing. I hope your family is on the mend!




Just to update - my middle son has completed the antibiotics with no PANDAS symptoms - early on there was day he was crying a lot - up and down all day - the littlest thing would set him off - I was worried, but that has stopped - and it could have been just because he was sick, grumpy and stir crazy! My little one is still coughing (the other day it almost sounded tic like - and I recalled how my PANDAS son at 3 was sick then had a cough that dragged on and on - when we went to the doctor (a different doctor) she said it was a transient tic - that was the first time we had heard of tics with him) - and my PANDAS son after his round of antibiotics got worse - so yesterday I kept him home from school - he has a loud vocal tic - I took them all to the doctors to get swabs. I did ask about omniseph as per Micheles info from Dr. Murphy for exposure to strep for PANDAS kids - the pharmacist is looking into it - as I am not sure it is available in Canada. The doctor was open to trying a round - but feels his symptoms are probably the result of a viral infection - and we had already done the round of azith - so to let things ride out. I am going to keep him home today too - all the rest of the family has been sick over the last few weeks, and the other kids have missed school - as usual my PANDAS son shows no normal signs of illness - just the increase in tics. He had a crazy weekend of hockey and birthday parties so I am sure he wore himself out.

Anyway - he continues to be happy - an no emotional lability etc - so all in all - it is really just an increase in the tics - and they are not horrific the way they have been in the past. I am hoping a couple days of resting will improve things. We did take him off Bonnies until things settle down.


ad_cci, I am so pleased that your child is doing better. Michele, sounds like your is doing pretty well too.


My daughter is so much better on antibiotics. I took her off everything else I had her on (I realized I was totally uninformed about immune boosting vs. immune modulation -- I had her using grapeseed which is a no-no, and my Omega had omega 9, another no-no), and she is doing good. However, right now she is still on regular dose antibiotics -- I am wondering how she will do on the low dose therapy.


I feel like I am back to square one with adding supplements -- I'm almost afraid to add anything, but know I really should! And, I am concerned about whether we will keep getting these great results once we switch to pen v. So many unknowns!


But, I am pleased to see you two are doing well -- gives me hope!!!!


Hi Michele,


The vocal tic is like a throat clearing grunt - it seems to come in flurries - like every second for 20 seconds - then slows down - then there might be 10 minutes with nothing. It would be disruptive in the classroom - although he tells me he does not have habits at school. We were finding at times his coming out of school and having a flurry - but the teacher said she saw none - the neuro told us last week that he needs to let them out - so does it when he feels safe etc - so we should not bother him about it or ask him to quiet down. (easy for her to say) The doctor called and Omniseph is not available in Canada - we are waiting still for the throat swabs - should know more tomorrow, My son is on azith - every 5 days and has been for a year - before that he was on amox for 2 years. I will probably keep him off school tomorrow - he did lay low today - which is not like him.


Emma - I learned the hard way about vitamins - like Ronna said - do one at a time, then wait a few days - or you just don't know what is working or not working. It is all so complicated and what works for one does not work for all.

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