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hyper little boy

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my son is 4 and he is autistic i also think hes a hyper child. hes always on the go from the time he wakes up till the time he goes to sleep.. he does not talk but he is always moving.. and into something he is slowley driving me crazy... hes the prettyest little boy but cant say a word. i also have a 9 year old boy who is ADD they have different dads.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Boy--Robbie sounds cute but like a real challenge! Are you trying to do anything for the hyperness? Now could be a good time to start making some efforts, especially with the summer here! Lisa

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest trudes

I hope you have contacted your local school district for info on preK programs for your son. language development, occupational therapy and physical therapy? if he needs all those. Keep calling til you get the answers you need! it helped us i know sometimes its not enough but its a good place to start. Trudes :)

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  • 1 year later...


i have a five year old son, and he just started taking asserall. this is the first med that he has taken for his adhd. one day he is a over active little boy, who when got excited about something would jump up and down, and smile like no one else, now that he is on adderall...i like that he has finaly calmed down, but my happy little boy is just not there. is this just a side effect, will it change. any one got any ideas on what i should do.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest I go throught the same thing

I know how you feel I also have a four year old who does not talk and is always up! Never wants to sleep. I found out he has PDD and we are testing for more but he started speech theropy and is doing great and is starting to talk as we teach him sign langauge you can go to www.signwithme.com and it will help you learn signs he will understand and it will help you communacate with him more oops sp it has helped a lot! Hope all is well if you want you can contact me at ericalacoe@yahoo.com


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