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My daughter started battling PANS 3 years ago. We went to a specialist that gave her antibiotics for more than 8 months. I truly regret this length of time; especially since it did not seem to help as much as we would have thought/hoped. About 2 years after this started, we went to a functional medicine CRNP. She gave us a list of supplements for our daughter to take that helped dramatically within one week! We still have our ups and downs, but these supplements made a big difference, much more so than all the antibiotics. These are the supplements:

RelaxMax (Xymogen) can be purchased on the Xymogen website, even without a practitioner. Very helpful supplement in a powder form (GABA, Inositol, L Theanine, Taurine, Magnesium. She was prescribed half a capful per day at 10 years old.

Omega Longevity (Aceva) 1/2 teaspoon per day

The Extinguisher (Mechanism Wellness) 1-2 per day 

2,000 IU's vitamin D3

Probiotic (we used Culturelle kids packets; one per day)

Multivitamin (we used Flinstone gummies)

We used these supplements for about one year. We now adjust as needed: still using RelaxMax most days, 1,000 IU D3, probiotic, multi, sometimes omega 3.

I truly hope and pray that these supplements can help your child as they did ours. 



PS There was also a supplement recommended called Copa Calm by Ortho Molecular. I think the nurse practitioner said one or two drops per day as needed. I did use this during a really bad flare and it was helpful. I did discontinue after that week when things settled down. My daughter's cheeks were flushing and I read that it can be from too much GABA. It really helped, but I believe only wise to use for occasional, serious flare ups.

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