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I need Help with my Adult Strep A (and my son)

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My 3 year old is a PANDAS kid with all that entails. We have been trying to remove sources of infection from him for months and just tonight I think we realized I might be a (the?) source.


I finished a course of Cefadroxil in Nov then in Dec I tested positive. I just finished 10 days of Augmentim on Monday(11th) and now I have a strong positive. Can I get some suggestions on what to take to knock this out? 

I also think I may have had PANDAS as a kid based on my behavior and how ,my son is (oppositional/angry). He acts similar to how I was (and still am, just I have learned to live with my personalty problems). I have even been diagnosed with Schizoid Personality Disorder but maybe its something else? 


Anyway I need some antibiotic suggestions to ask the doctor about. Thank you!!




Edited by daggertx
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Hi, you should probably look up the Byron White formula for strep. It sounds like you have Strep in your tissues/blood and need to cleanse your blood. Antibiotics won't get it out of your or your son's body. I just recently learned this as I tested positive for strep as did my 10 y/o son PANS and have been detoxing both of us since Sept. We've both experienced rashes and other symptoms as the virus' are dying off so I know its working. Also my son is doing much better in day to day life. 

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Your situation sounds quite similar to mine and my son's.  We've been past it now for a number of years, so there may be some newer/better protocols out there (as momonmission mentioned above), but I will tell you what worked for us.  I also believe I had PANDAs as a kid and took it into my early adult life with me; then my son developed it but we couldn't get a proper diagnosis for years; he was 3 when the ear infections and anxious behaviors began, and we limped along with Band-Aid fixes and ineffective treatments until he went off the deep end at age 12.  That's when we found PANDAs and real treatment.

We took long-term Augmentin XR (extended release), 2,000 mg. daily, for nearly two years.  We combined that with mixed-strain probiotics, once-weekly bentonite clay "detox/gut sweep" and n-acetylcysteine (NAC), which is supposed to be helpful as a biofilm buster.  We used (and still use, to some extent) a number of other vitamins and supplements, as well:  omegas, B6, zinc, etc.  As time went on, we became more and more convinced that our son had some strep colonies hiding out in his sinuses (he'd had chronic ear infections as a toddler and upper respiratory issues for most of his life, up through the PANDAs).  This combination appears to have done the trick in his case, but it's not a quick fix.  Rather, it's a long-term protocol but one that seems to have held him for the long-term.  We ceased the abx after about 20 months (he was 14 at the time) and continued with some supplements for the next 4+ years.  He's not had strep since (knock on wood), nor has he had any significant or long-lasting setbacks behaviorally.  He's now 22 and getting ready to graduate with a Master's degree and head out into the work world.  And my issues seem to have settled, as well, though I suppose you could put some of that on getting older and hopefully a little wiser!  ;-)

All the best to you!

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I had the same issue. My son and I followed each other up and down thru strep and high titres. It's very likely I also had  PANDAS as a child. Our specialist put me on a long term dose of augmentin (my son was already on augmentin and azith) I took it for about 3 months and it finally knocked it out of me. Very clean and careful living kept things at bay. I got strep once or twice afterward, but was able to kill it with regular 10 days of Augmentin. Once we got it out of me, things got better. It was not the whole fix, my son still had to do HD IVig, and we implemented a few other important interventions, but we beat PANDAS back.

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This is purely anecdotal, and I have no medical training, BUT...it has been our experience (and I've seen it with some other families, as well, for whom strep was a long-term factor and not quickly caught and eliminated) that a single "round" of any antibiotic is unlikely to knock it out entirely.  Whether it's because strep can cloak itself in biofilms and propogate in sort of a stealth mode, undetected, or whether it's because it engages in some "molecular mimicry" (as described by Dr. Cunningham), exchanging genetic material within the bodies of susceptible populations, it seems as though if you've been walking around with it for a while -- let alone years -- 30 days of even the strongest antibiotic is not going to be up to the task.  If they're willing to renew the prescription so long as you're experiencing positive results, then that might be a workable answer.

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