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Doesn't this sound like PANDAS?

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If I could get opinions on a situation that I think really sounds like PANDAS but would like feedback about.

My niece, has got strep 3-4x in two years. This last time (about 4-5 weeks ago) she got extreme anxiety right at the end of the infection. After 10 days abx her stomach hurt, so a clinic Dr said she needs more abx and prescribed more. After 5 days sister took niece to the pediatrician Bc her stomach still hurting. All the while, bad anxiety episodes. Pediatrician said-don't need the 2nd abx, stop them. Said anxiety and stomach pain will go away on own. 😡😡😡

Meanwhile, my little niece (9) is having abnormal anxiety OCD style. Crying often, afraid of being sick, asking her mom if she's going to go to the hospital, get diabetes, etc (irrational fears), hitting her head repeatedly with her hand, flailing her arms while crying, panicking, etc.

Although she sometimes could be a little worrier before this, really this was sudden and through the roof with the strep.

Also her sister has had on and off stomach pains for 3 weeks. I think they both probably still have strep!

Their pediatrician isn't PANDAS knowledgeable. 🙁

Doesn't this sound PANDAS? Any advice I can pass on?

My son's issue has been Lyme and after three years treatment he is basically over it, and bc he never dealt with strep I don't know all the details to help her with. Many ideas are interchangeable with Lyme PANS and strep PANDAS I know, but... I want to help her so badly. I hate these issues.

Edited by stacestar
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