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I'm trying to figure out if I have Tourette's, OCD, anxiety, or something else. I was diagnosed years ago with social anxiety disorder though that seems to have cleared up, this seems to be unrelated. I never told a doctor about this issue because it is embarrassing and difficult to communicate.


My symptoms are not easily visible, mainly I feel the need to flex certain muscles, usually in my neck, abdomen, and ears (or back of the throat? I don't know where the muscle is but I flex it and I can hear a pounding in my ears when I do it.) I also have a serious issue with tapping if my fingers come into contact with something like a keyboard or mouse. Always in some weird pattern. It's like I need to feel pressure on my fingertips for some reason. And most recently I have started needing to push down and move pens/pencils in certain patterns when I try to write. I'm taking a calculus course right now and my notes are full of these weird scribbles.


I'm 29 but I can remember having issues as far back as first grade when my teacher told me to stop making "noises". I've figured out how to make feelings of pressure (idk how to describe it) in my throat so there is no sound but back then I made a hmm sound.


I feel like I can mostly control myself or find subtle ways of doing these things so I can hide them from people but the urge to do them is really uncomfortable. I've found that if I'm trying to do something that requires effort like calculus they flare up and it's worst when I am under stress.


Does this sound like Tourette's? OCD?


Hi Stratcat , Welcome to the forums. You wrote a very clear description of what is going on. (I sympathize with your issues -- calculus is hard enough without the distractions you have!)


As you probably know, Tourette syndrome often overlaps with OCD. Since you describe sounds you used to make a a child, along with muscle movements, you might fall under the umbrella diagnosis of Tourette's. But as you say, you also have OCD type symptoms. People often experience a premonition or need to tic prior to the muscle movement, and that may be what you are describing. But in the end, they are labels that may not be as important as addressing the symptoms themselves.


Are you interested in trying medication or natural approaches to what you are dealing with? You shouldn't be embarrassed at all -- actually OCD type behavior as well as tics have increased a lot in the last few decades and are now quite common. If you want to try standard medication for the OCD, let's say, you could see a physician and describe your situation. You could also try some natural approaches that have helped some people.


If you are interested in non-drug efforts, let us know and we can try to point you in the right direction. In any event, it seems this would be a good time to try to get a handle on it -- get some help for it -- so you can continue with your studies and plan for a successful career. The good news is, there are treatments that can help.


Thanks for your reply, Sheila. I would be interested in some non-drug treatments. I've had bad experiences with SSRIs and doctors in the past so I'd rather not go down that road again.


I'm in Minneapolis, but I don't think a doctor would take me seriously since my tics aren't really visible. The muscles I flex are small so you would have to look carefully.... I can't stand when a doctor looks at me like, "That's it?" when it's something that is really bothering me.


I've been drinking ginseng tea daily because I read that might help. I can't tell if it does or not. Ideally I would reduce my stress level but it's just going to get worse when I have to get a job at the end of this semester.

  • 2 weeks later...

Many parents have experienced taking their child with a tic problem to the doctor and having him or her look calm and not be ticcing--it can be frustrating! But the doctor will often take a history that helps them confirm what is happening.


If you don't want to see a practitioner you could go at this from the stress level, taking nutrients that are known to help the stress response or reduce anxiety.

You could see professional to help with this. Dr. Oz gives suggestions here (be sure to see the different pages.)




For sure you should be taking a good B Complex and then consider some of the suggestions. Also do not eat foods with artificial flavors and colors, and avoid foods with MSG in them. Your diet can make a difference. Several years ago a posted started this thread on MSG sources.


I know that as a student it is hard to avoid foods with additives, but do your best. And for sure don't have Ramen Noodle types soups -- they are loaded with MSG, which can excite the nervous system.


Sorry for the delay, I hope this helps. Diet as mentioned above, and can make a big difference along with supplements like Dr. Oz discusses.


Please stay in touch to let us know how you are doing!

  • 2 weeks later...

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