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Advice - Tiapride for son`s tics - Basel Switzerland

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Hello all


This is my first post here and Im new to the site. my son has been displaying various motor and eye blinking/rolling tics since he was 5 (now 7 and a half) on and off however since May this year his tics have been worse and changing constantly. These include a breathing tic (deep breathing in and feeling of tightness when he breathes) to back and shoulder spasms and neck movements/stetching. These have also been accompanied with changes ion mood and behaviours, anxiety etc We have seen our paediatrician a few times and yesterday had an appointment with a child neurologist. It was good to have the appointment and it was suggested we continue with meditation/relaxation techniques we do at night (he also has disturbed sleep - worse at the time the tics are more prominent). Our next step would bee to see a psychologist then she also suggested if the tics are becoming particularly bad or painful/getting in the way of daily life we could look to try Tiapridal (Tiapride) does anyone have any experience with this medication? . His eye blinking and eye rolling although a lot calmer this week was really getting in the way of reading and focusing at school last week.


Does anyone have any experience with this medication? I have also started giving my son Floradix - Saludynam (Calcium, magnesium zinc and vit D) and I have ordered Kidscalm for the evenings before bed. Im watching his sugar/artificial food intake etc too.


Ideally we would like to see a specialist who is experienced in the area of Tics and children - we live in Basel, Switzerland and wondered if anyone had any knowledge of any one that is specialist or can help in this geographical area. Alternatively we are from the Manchester area in the UK so could make a trip to visit a specialist there.


It is also just great to hear that people are going through a similar things with their children as I often feel that people with no experience of whats going on find it difficult to understand!


Thanks so much for any help or advice :)



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Hi Charlotte123, I'm sorry to read that your young son has had tics for more than two years now.


You could please read some of these threads that explain the approaches we often focus on on this site. http://latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2459


If you are interested in an environmental physician--and I don't know if you are--you can go to the American Academy of Environmental Medicine at www.aaemonline.org and search for Switzerland; there is one listing. I don't know anything about him personally, though he seems to do the types of assessment and treatment that have been helpful for some of our members. It is not a personal recommendation.


You asked about the medication Tiapride. Since your son is so young, I thought you might find this description from Wikipedia of interest.

I hope this is some help to you. Please keep in touch.

Although it is considered a "safe" medicine, it is, like sulpiride, strictly contraindicated for patients under the age of 18 due to its effects during the process of puberty. This is likely related to its side effects on levels of the hormone prolactin, which is involved in sexual development.[7] There are also insufficient clinical data on the other side effects in adolescents.

Tiapride has been found to cause excess prolactin levels in plasma,[6] which can cause decreased libido, infertility and increased risk of breast cancer.[8] This is because dopamine plays a primary role in regulating prolactin release by binding to D2 receptors on prolactin-secreting cells in the anterior pituitary.[9] Thus, when tiapride blocks these receptors these cells are disinhibited and release more prolactin. The side-effect reported most commonly to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is rhabdomyolysis, a condition characterized by muscle tissue breakdown.[10] Cardiac abnormalities such as prolongation of the QT interval and torsades de pointes have also have been observed. . .

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