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Extreme flare up of motor and vocal tics - Pls need help


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Hi Everyone


My son has had a really bad flare up this past week due to an incident in school that caused his flare up due to anxiety attack.Its flared up so bad this time as he is unable to sit / stand / walk without jumping and he is shouting a word non-stop since one week . We tried everything to bring it down including magnesium taurate upto 500mg , NAC 1800 mg ,Ashwagandha for anxiety, accupuncture , chinese herbal medicine etc but nothing seems to help him.

Is it worth going to the neurologist and going the route of prescription drugs to bring it down ? We have been avoiding this route and in the past his ticks seem to come down in 10 days but this time its really bad. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.




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Hi -- I'm sorry to read that your son has had such a severe reaction. I'm on the road and apologize for the delay in responding.


If you have not already done so, I suggest that you see a pediatric neurologist as soon as you can and do not try to treat this yourself.


I say this knowing that you have taken him to physicians in the past; I am not suggesting that you have avoided getting professional help.

In a crisis like this, it would help if you could take the lab work and son's history to a neurologist.


You could go to the emergency room if you can't get an appointment and he remains so agitated. I believe you have commented that your son is very sensitive to medications; you could request that caution be used with conventional medications.


We will watch for a reply, and are hoping that you find all the help you need.


(Has he been any better over the last two days?)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Sheila


Sorry for the late reply as things are slowly starting to get back to normal past 4 days at home.We did see a neurologist and he does not want to prescribe any tic medication as of now. My son came down with a viral fever for 10 days and post viral his tics flared up again. He is on antibiotics.We are giving him mag taurate supplement this seems to have helped a bit to bring down his flare to 40%. He is back to school past 4 days and keeping my fingers crossed ! We will continue to monitor him and keep you updated !




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