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Hi everyone,


Can my PANDAS/PANS son get elevated antibodies that cause his tics just from being around someone with strep? Or does he have to have an active infection in his body for the problem causing antibodies to develop?


My younger son has a chronic strep infection so I'm wondering if his strep is causing my older sons tics to remain constantly even after months of antibiotic treatment for strep and Lyme. I don't understand why his tics aren't relenting even after 6 months of non stop ABX and combo ABX.


When I spoke to a nurse at Moleculera Labs after getting his Cunningham panel she said the right ABX at the right time and the right dose will help him -- but it hasn't happened for him yet. Could it be my other son is causing a problem with his chronic strep?


The only way to get this figured out is to see if your PANDAS son has an active strep infection. If he does not, then his body is most likely reacting to the strep that your younger son is trying to get rid of. The body of a PANDAS patient is very sensitive when it gets exposed to this stuff.


Since Tics have not stopped, you might ask your doctor about doing a different antibiotic. You might also need to try a different probiotic.


Sorry, you are having to deal with this. Sometimes it's really hard to get the tic cycle to stop. Whenever my son was exposed to strep, vocal tics were the symptom that let us know something was going on in the body. We just took him to the doctor and did the rapid and culture strep test. The rapid test is not always accurate but went ahead and started antibiotics if positive. If culture was negative, we stopped the antibiotics and went back to the doctor's office to do more blood work if vocal tics continue. Other infections like,sinus and ear infections caused problems for our son.


The only way to get this figured out is to see if your PANDAS son has an active strep infection. If he does not, then his body is most likely reacting to the strep that your younger son is trying to get rid of. The body of a PANDAS patient is very sensitive when it gets exposed to this stuff.


Since Tics have not stopped, you might ask your doctor about doing a different antibiotic. You might also need to try a different probiotic.


Sorry, you are having to deal with this. Sometimes it's really hard to get the tic cycle to stop. Whenever my son was exposed to strep, vocal tics were the symptom that let us know something was going on in the body. We just took him to the doctor and did the rapid and culture strep test. The rapid test is not always accurate but went ahead and started antibiotics if positive. If culture was negative, we stopped the antibiotics and went back to the doctor's office to do more blood work if vocal tics continue. Other infections like,sinus and ear infections caused problems for our son.

Hi Rachel - I hadn't thought about his probiotic having any impact on his tics. He takes two different probiotics - ProbioMax DF and Florastor daily. Do you have any suggestions for a different probiotic that helped your sons tics? I'm taking my son in today to have his rectal area checked for perianal strep or yeast. He has a red ring around his anus that looks irritated and itchy...I think he is getting a rapid build up of yeast from all the ABX so that may be causing some issues. But since we have strep rolling through our house right now from his brother I'm also going to have them check that area and his throat for a strep infection that I'm not aware of. Since he's currently taking both Cedax and Biaxin I really didn't think he could get strep ...but maybe so?

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