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Hi, I’ve never been involved in online forums before relating to my tourettes – but things are just getting ridiculous now and I need some advice.

As I mentioned above in the title I’m 39 years old and have had tourettes since I was about 5.

I didn’t know I had tourettes until I was about 25 and went to see some tourettes specialist – for years I just thought I was a rather odd fellow.

It turns out after testing that I had a number of different tics from head nodding to word re-forming and number re-arranging. There is grimacing, jaw slamming and quite a few others.

Anyway things were always manageable and never too bad – that is how I got by.


Then about 3 years ago I had a bad 3 months where it just blew up for no reason. Then it suddenly stopped again.

Of course I still had some symptoms (they never go) – but it was pretty good.


Then 2 months ago I had a very specific type of tic start. I have problems with both of my jaw joints due to accidents I had when I was younger – so both joints are not in a good way. This tic is a deliberate slamming of the teeth together and opening the jaw in very uncomfortable positions. It’s like my body is trying to dislocate the jaw and cause me serious problems. So as well as being a nuisance – this thing is actually being deliberately hostile to me – it’s actually trying to hurt me. And it’s increasing in intensity and there seems no way to be able to stop it.

I have to wear a splint in my mouth at all times and everything started getting out of hand when my old one broke and I had a new one put in.


I run a finance company and just can’t go to meetings anymore – as quite frankly I look ridiculous as halfway during a conversation my mouth just hangs open whilst I try to close it – then I open it and slam it closed again. You might think well that ‘s a bit odd – but okay. But when in a 5 minute conversation it happens 40 times it gets ab bit much.


Not really sure what I’m hoping to achieve by writing this – but it wanted to come out. Next week I’m seeing a neurologist, I’m getting test done for allergies – can anyone think of anything else I should be doing or testing for?

From what I’ve read tourettes should get better with age – not worse.

Thanks for any responses.


Hi ijenk,


Welcome to the forums! We're glad you took the time to do your first posting here. But, sorry to read of your more recent tic issues.


Let's hope we can all help find some answers for you. You are right, that tics usually get better with age, though not always. But your difficulties could have some different sources. There are a few places to start.


1) You can look into a specialized dental appliance that would be different from the type of splint you are wearing. (Where do you live?) Some people with tics find these appliances can greatly reduce tics.


2) I would see an osteopathic physician who specializes in manipulative therapy and craniosacral therapy. I can help you locate one, (hopefully--again, depending on where you live.) It is possible that your accident could be playing a big role in this.


3) Do you have our book Natural Treatments for Tics and Tourettes? It could give you a number of approaches to help calm down what is happening.


4) Are you aware of an infection of any kind that coincided with your flareup of tics?


5) Did you happen to move homes, change office locations, get a new car, or any major change at these rough times? Or any remodeling or painting going on?


6) Starting immediately be sure to cut out all artificial flavors, colors and preservatives/nitrates from your diet if you have not already done so. Bite the bullet and be strict.


7) Do not use any scented products in laundry, cleaning etc in the the home and look for unscented personal products. Think of your nervous system as overly sensitive and you have to avoid any chemicals that could possibly aggravate it, in food, drink or surroundings.


8) Reduce sugars and caffeine greatly, the more the better.


9) Consider going off dairy for 2 weeks and see if you feel better. Other dietary efforts can be considered. (Trying not to overwhelm you. Ha.)


10) If you find from testing that you are allergic to dust, mold, pollens etc please do let us know.


There have to be some answers to what you are going through.We sympathize with how difficult it must be. Please get back to us about these ideas when you get a chance.


Thanks Sheila. To be honest i haven't done any of these things except get a new appliance. I'm going to start right away though as this really has to stop.

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