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Hi, one more quick question...

I took my daughter to get her blood test today, and I realized that I hadn't specifically asked for the 72 hour culture that I had read about elsewhere on the forum. I tried to get the lab technician to add a note at the bottom, but they wouldn't. They said I'd have to get the doctor to request it specifically. They also said that maybe the 72 hour is the standard protocol, but I said I didn't think so. Anyway, was it completely a waste of time if they do the standard 24 hour culture? Will I learn anything, or should I go get ANOTHER lab requisition and do it all over again? I really need to find out if PANDAS is a possibility, because it might fit.







I think you are confusing the throat swab, with the ASO antibody testing. If a throat swab is done, I believe it has been noted here, that 72 hours is the best, as opposed to a quick strep or 48 hour culture.


I don't think that time frame applies to the test that you had blood drawn for.


Here is a page that will help you understand the ASO testing




The ASO titer is used to demonstrate the body's reaction to an infection caused by group A beta-hemolytic streptococci. Group A streptococci produce the enzyme streptolysin O, which can destroy (lyse) red blood cells. Because streptolysin O is antigenic (contains a protein foreign to the body), the body reacts by producing antistreptolysin O (ASO), which is a neutralizing antibody. ASO appears in the blood serum one week to one month after the onset of a strep infection. A high titer (high levels of ASO) is not specific for any type of poststreptococcal disease, but it does indicate if a streptococcal infection is or has been present.


Hi Kim,

Thanks so much for the info! It's such a relief that I got those mixed up, so I won't have to drag her back to the doctor again and the lab for another needle. (Mind you, she was such a little trooper having her blood taken that her eyes didn't even water... not bad for 5 years old.)


Thanks for your quick reply.





You're very welcome.


I know the anxiety that is associated with thinking that you messed up, and subjected you child to something unpleasant.


I'm glad your daughter handled the draw well. I can have blood drawn, no problem, but watching the kids have theirs done makes me light headed!



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