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My tics worse and itsl like medicine wont work anymore on me


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Hi im giovanni currently age of 18 i was diagnose that i have tics at age of 10 at first my tics is mild and it wont bother me anymore but in the age of 15 it feels like my tics getting more worse and as i grow up my tics getting more worse i stop schololing because of this

im currently taking medicine but it have no effect in me still my tics is worse

im taking risperidone 2mg , prodin 20mg and catapres 75 mcg please help me

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Hi Giovanni, Welcome to the Forums. I'm glad you wrote, but am so sorry to read about your difficulties.


Where do you live? And over the years, have you ever been able to notice anything that made your tics worse? That would help give us some clue. Please write back, we will watch for a reply. Sheila

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i live in philippines i notice that as i grow up there are sensation around my butt (and i t feels like i want to insert my finger int it sorry for the word its very embarassing but when i do it i feel relax and i notice that im not ticing but when i stop it i tics again and it more become worst) and in tailbone that it feels like is itching inside i dont know if there any conection in it but i think its the one triggers me

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Thanks for writing back. Please see a doctor to find out what the cause of the itching might be. I know it must be embarrassing to talk to anyone about, but for example, two things that can cause the symptoms you are having are parasites or a candida (yeast) infection. Both of these can also play a role in tics. Maybe the itching is aggravating your entire system, also.


It would be good to first focus on learning the cause of the itching and what can be done to give relief. In addition to the two issues above, there can be other causes for anal itching and it is important to see a doctor to rule other possibilities out.


Is seeing a doctor for this something you can do?

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hi mam i already consulted a doctor about this ticlish sensation around my tailbone the doctor said it is just worm but there is no single worm came out and i still feel this ticlish sensation what could it be ?

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Giovanni, it would be good if you could get more information from a doctor who will treat whatever your problem is.


Since you have been told it is worms, one possibility is pinworms which can cause the itching you describe.


This article has some information on it. Cleveland clinic on pinworms. It also tells how the whole family can help with the problem.


Does the itching get worse at night? Some report that is the case with pinworms.


I don't know whether this is the issue you are having, but it seems you have had the problem for a few years (right?) and you really need a doctor to treat it.


Whatever the problem is, it shouldn't go on this long. You must be very uncomfortable. Are you in a location where you can see a different doctor?


Separate from the itching problem, do you have any other symptoms with your tics? Have you ever noticed if something makes them worse--like something you eat? Or on rainy days, etc?

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  • 8 months later...

Thanks for writing back. Please see a doctor to find out what the cause of the itching might be. I know it must be embarrassing to talk to anyone about, but for example, two things that can cause the symptoms you are having are parasites or a candida (yeast) infection. Both of these can also play a role in tics. Maybe the itching is aggravating your entire system, also.


It would be good to first focus on learning the cause of the itching and what can be done to give relief. In addition to the two issues above, there can be other causes for anal itching and it is important to see a doctor to rule other possibilities out.


Is seeing a doctor for this something you can do?

Hello Sheila

I hope you don't mind contacting you.

My son started having really strong tics 2 months ago. At the time this started he had pinworms. The doctor didn't think it was related to the pinworms. He started to get much better, but a couple of weeks ago he got much worse again. My son was complaining of an itchy bottom when the tic symptoms started again. The dr gave us more medication for the pinworm, but still said it was not relation with the tics.

My son still has tics even after the medication.

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Hi Sonias, I'm glad you wrote and apologize that I didn't see your note come in. I'm sorry your son has tics again. One thing I mentioned before--and of course this is just a guess since it is not possible to diagnose from a distance (and on top of that I'm not a physician) is that a yeast infection can cause an itchy bottom, as can parasites.


We hear from a number of people that a candida yeast overgrowth has aggravated tics. We are usually familiar that women can get a yeast infection, but males can also and it can affect the gut.


There are medications for yeast (fungal) infections. In the US, typical ones are Nystatin and Diflucan in case it would help to try that. A doctor needs to prescribe. There are also natural things that people take for yeast infections.


What is his diet like? He should cut out ALL sugars. Also he should take probiotics. Can you get that type of supplement where you live?


Again, I don't know if that is his problem but it is very common and would be worth looking into.


Let me know if this made sense! Sheila


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