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My 5 year old daughter started having episodes last year following a strep infection. She mostly gets motor and vocal tics, mood swings and anxiety that gets much better with antibiotics. January was a really rough month for her. She had another flare and got better with treatment. A few days after she finished her antibiotics our whole family got sick and her symptoms all came back. Except this time something is different. She has extreme rage! She's hitting me, my husband and her little sister. She's throwing,yelling and being extremely nasty. All of this is out of character for her. I assumed it was just another symptom, but she's not displaying this behavior at school. Her teacher said her behavior is perfect. Now I'm really confused on where this came from. Does this sound like it could be from PANDAS or Lyme? We're still trying to figure everything out. Thanks!

Posted (edited)

Its consistent with PANDAS and many here will also say Lyme.


A lot of the PANDAS kids can hold it together for the outside world and reserve the worst for their family. My kids are currently in that nasty ragey mode. They are defiant, disobedient. They taunt us, talk about how much they hate us parents. They purposefully do wrong things, say mean things, use bad language. When they do not get their way they scream, hit, push, throw tantrums etc. They spend about half their time teaming up against us parents and half fighting each other. Its quite painful to go through this. Outsiders dont see this, except in the worst of flares, in which case they don't even want to leave the house.

Edited by dasu
Posted (edited)

For one of my sons, for years, rage was his ONLY symptom and we never even though of him as PANDAS....even while we were treating his younger brother for PANDAS. He came with us on a follow-up to Dr. L and she took one look at him (he wasn't even raging at the time) and asked for blood tests and BOOM, his levels on the Cunningham Panel were worse than his brother's!


Oh, yes and at school he is always considered the most polite, pulled together kid around! He gets home and OMG....

Edited by Gpookie

How are you treating?

Might be time to switch it up pt increase the dose if you are on meds or implement rotation of herbs if you are using them.


My sons are good now and get monthly IVIG for immune deficiency, both have also had high dose a while ago, but it didn't hold. Long term Augmentin and occasional Motrin when rarely needed....And lots of magnesium and garlic...


You just described my sons behavior when he was five. Hit, kicked, spit, scratched, bit, whatever he could. Threw things. Totally out of character. Never did it at school.


We are six years down the road. You would never guess he ever did any of that. Hat is totally a PANS behavior. My son turned out to have Lyme and coinfections, specifically bartonella, which causes rage.


Dr B treated out son's Bartonella with Amox/Bactrim/Zith . Three month on this and No more rages. Be careful to make sure you Detox along the way and go slow on this cocktail. The PANS kicks in as the infection dies and causes inflammation. NOT easy I know. It takes time to stop the rages but it's been two years and praise GOD no rages. We used Pinella, Burber, Redroot and Kudzu for Detox plus Chlorella. Hang in there!!!

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