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A nutritionist friend of mine who is very knowledgeable about supplements recommended phosphatidyl serine for my son. She said that there is research in the literature about it being useful for people with TS. I have not yet found anything about it being used for TS online. I have found positive anecdotal evidence for its use with ADHD.

Does anyone have experience with it or know of it being used with TS?



A nutritionist friend of mine who is very knowledgeable about supplements recommended phosphatidyl serine for my son. She said that there is research in the literature about it being useful for people with TS. I have not yet found anything about it being used for TS online. I have found positive anecdotal evidence for its use with ADHD.

Does anyone have experience with it or know of it being used with TS?




Hi Laurie,

I've not heard of that one, but it seems it helps with the immune system and stress. Are you planning to use this for your son? Please let us know how it goes.


How did you make out with the B vit problem you had re increase in tics? Did you work that out? How is your son doing presently?



A nutritionist friend of mine who is very knowledgeable about supplements recommended phosphatidyl serine for my son. She said that there is research in the literature about it being useful for people with TS. I have not yet found anything about it being used for TS online. I have found positive anecdotal evidence for its use with ADHD.

Does anyone have experience with it or know of it being used with TS?




Hi Laurie,

I've not heard of that one, but it seems it helps with the immune system and stress. Are you planning to use this for your son? Please let us know how it goes.


How did you make out with the B vit problem you had re increase in tics? Did you work that out? How is your son doing presently?



I would like info if anyone finds out about this too. It is one of the ingredients in the Attention vitamin by Liquid Health that was recommended to me for tics of my son.


Hi Faith,

You have a good memory. I stopped giving my son the B50. Since then its been a bit of a roller coaster. I'm beginning to think that some of the increase in tics may be age and stress related. He has been waxing and waning in fairly quick cycles. He also turned 10 in Dec. and I've read in a lot of places that tics frequently increase around that age. It's been really hard to figure out what is supp related. I am very wary to try another supp. My friend felt very comfortable recommending phophatidylserine. I just wish that there was info specific to TS. I did read that it has little if any toxicity and that it helps with acetylcholine, membrane health, and dopamine levels. Isn't increased dopamine a tic trigger? Or am I getting confused. I really wish that I had studied biochemistry. I may have to get a book and try to teach myself. Good brain exercise at the very least.




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