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I haven't read all of the previous posts, so forgive me if this seems out if place, but if I were you, I'd utilize my efforts and energy to seek out a knowledgeable pans/pandas/llmd instead of trying to compose a list of relevant tests and trying to figure out results all myself. It sounds like even if you get this doc, or someone! T run everything, you're still going to be where you are right now if they're not willing to treat (or don't know how). Even knowledgeable docs don't always have a specific treatment plan because a good deal of it is hit or miss :(

Best of luck...


Beerae, do you not think that that occurred to me? I've spent weeks on end trying to find a doctor with any knowledge of PANS, believe me. The only one I ever found in the UK was Dr Goyal, who now seems to be no longer practising. (I did go to see him a few years ago, but at that time my needle phobia was so bad that I never managed to get any tests done at all so there was a limit to what he could do!)


Sorry, didn't mean to be rude, I'm just really cross at the moment. (Heard this morning that my appointment's been postponed for a week - although that may be a blessing in disguise as I haven't heard back from the private lab yet so if the sample had been taken today I wouldn't have been able to get those tests done anyway.) I've been chasing shadows around the Internet until I want to cry and I really don't think I can stand any more. I need help but there isn't anybody. By the way this thread may explain what my actual situation is, if you need it. Is there any point investigating PANS w/o specialist doctor?


If you or anyone else DO know of anyone, or can suggest any way of finding anyone, PLEASE could you let me know? I am just SO SICK of chasing around the Internet day after day after day...


I suppose I could consult an American doctor over Skype, but then would a prescription from them be any good in this country? Or could they send out the medicine? Besides, wouldn't an American doctor be incredibly expensive? We're not that rich. (We don't have medical insurance.)


(I've just been through the doctor thread, can't find anyone, unless I've missed someone.)

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