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A couple questions about supplements.........can a person have TOO MUCH magnesium? i worry that if my daughter's magnesium is fine, could I harm her by giving the Kid's Calm? Also, do I have to do something special with Calcium...it seems i read that somewhere but can't find it now.

Also I started a B complex for myself today. I haven't seen any envrionmental drs yet regarding my defiencies, if any. Any recommendations on whether i should start supplementing myself to see if i notice a change in my own tics. Or could it be dangerous w/o professional guidance?


Oh also a question about all the lab tests......am i understanding correctly.....do i order the ones I think might give me some insight online and then take them to any lab here and they'll draw the blood and send it off. Is that how these work?


Thanks........you all have been a wealth of new knowledge for me.


Diarrhea is usually the first sign of too much magnesium. I have not read any toxicity unless one would have a kidney disease.


Someone on heart medication would not want to supplement mag unless a Dr. instructed them to.


Give her small amounts to start then build up. if no dierrhea, your fine.


I'm not up on the labs, all of my son's had to have a Dr. order them.




thanks CP for the mag info.

I had read an earlier post of yours describing the lab tests. You had mentioned three different labs. So your son's environmental dr ordered the tests from these three different labs? Why can't ONE lab do it all? Did you go to this dr armed with the information on different tests or was he/she really knowledgable in what tests to order?


His Dr. ordered them all. The only thing she was concerned about was... was it too much money. I think it broke her heart to hear my son screeming.


I went in there not knowing much. She also asked for all his medical records to be faxed to her, and she kept and studied the allergy tests I had done.


I'll be praying for you that you fine a great Dr.


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