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We want to have our son tested for food and environmental allergens to see if it helps with his tics. The nearest environmental physician is 3 1/2 hours away (which we are more than willing to drive). But, is there a reason to do the allergy testing with a dr like that rather than through a typical allergy clinic?

Also, what have you found to work better - skin prick or blood work?


I read a little bit about neutralizing the allergies vs the standard way they treat allergies. Can anyone shed any more light on that for me?

Thank you in advance! This is all so new to us (5 months in) and Sheila's book gave us hope that we can help our son.


I went to an Enirnomental Allergist and he wanted to do 4 seperate days of testing for 3 hours each visit. I just felt it was too much for my son. I do go to an Allergist in CT and he performed the food allergy test and my son had several food allergies. After that he then sent out blood work to measure his antibodies to the food allergens. I haven't met with him for the results yet, so I can't give you additional info. We performed the Environmental Allergies in 2012 and my son had severe allergies. We did allergy shots for 2 years, but had to stop because he would tic after the shots and that shouldn't happen. I did see the shots help his health issues where his nose was not stuffed all the time. The Environmental Allergist does test for a lot more foods. I first did an elliminaiton diet with my son and once I reintroduced foods I could see how he reacted. Although he did not test positive for a wheat allergy he does react to gluten. His doctor said that in some kids their body thinks of gluten as in infection, so my son tics after he eats gluten. Soy was also a big allergen and he tics immediately after eating it. I hope this helps!

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