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Thought others might be interested in this.


The NIMH studies on the NIH campus in Bethesda, Md, are the first products of a new, integrated focus on autism. One study, “Clinical and Immunological Investigations of Sub-types of Autism,” seeks to learn more about autism and its subtypes. “It is actually two studies in one,” said Susan Swedo, MD, chief of NIMH's Pediatrics and Developmental Neuropsychiatry Branch.


The first is a study of regressive versus nonregressive autism to determine whether there is an immune or other systemic trigger of children's neurologic regression, she said. It involves 50 children with idiopathic autism and regression, 50 children with idiopathic autism and no history of regression, 25 children with Rett syndrome, and 50 healthy children. The age range of all 4 groups is between 12 months and 48 months at first visit.


Minocycline study


In another small-scale intramural study, Treatment of Childhood Regressive Autism With Minocycline: An Anti-Inflammatory Agent Active Within the CNS, NIMH researchers are examining the use of the antibiotic minocycline (Dynacin, Minocin, Myrac) in children aged 3 to 12 years with regressive autism.


“We are using minocycline, a tetracycline derivative, not for its effectiveness as an antibiotic but rather for its ability to modulate the immune system,” Swedo said.


Chelation Studies


The NIMH has also just begun a trial of chelation, a process that draws heavy metals out of the body. The therapy is popular among parents who maintain that mercury from vaccines prior to 1999 plays a role in autism—despite scientists' assurances that it doesn't. "The hypothesis is difficult to support," says Susan Swedo, the NIMH's chief of pediatrics and developmental neuropsychology. "But the anecdotal evidence is overwhelming. If this works, I want to know why." Thousands of scientists, parents and patients do too.




this article mentions vaccines prior to 1999. It's important to remember that vaccines containing thimerosal were not recalled. Some were given as late as 2002 before they reached their expiration date. There are a few that still contain it. The kids born in the late 80's thru 2002 however, received the heaviest exposure.


Edit I corrected the above statement to say "Kids born in the late 80's (it previously said 90's) thru 2002 however, received the heaviest exposure.

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