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Next step-Mycoplasma-Homeopathic treatment or herbs?

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I have two children ages 5 and 8 with PANDAS symptoms brought on by mycoplasma. We have treated with Zithromax in the past but it seems to have run it course and doesn't seem to be as effective. I have done a lot of research and would like to try something new to boost their immune system and help eradicate the mycoplasma. I am just not sure whether to try a homeopath or herbs. I have read a lot from Stephen Buhner about myco and herbs and I am inclined to try to find someone to help me with this. But I would greatly appreciate your feedback. Which way would you go? Has anyone out there been successful with either treatment? I am overwhelmed but motivated to try something new as soon as possible.


I greatly appreciate any insight you may have to offer.

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My dd(9) has myco p triggered Pans. She's been on combo intracellular abx for 1 year now- it wasn't until 8 months and the introduction of Mino that we saw her myco p levels finally in range.


We are now considering very slowly transitioning to herbals and addressing her 1 MTHFR mutation.


I would also like to hear recommendations, etc. related to myco p.



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I have two children ages 5 and 8 with PANDAS symptoms brought on by mycoplasma. We have treated with Zithromax in the past but it seems to have run it course and doesn't seem to be as effective. I have done a lot of research and would like to try something new to boost their immune system and help eradicate the mycoplasma. I am just not sure whether to try a homeopath or herbs. I have read a lot from Stephen Buhner about myco and herbs and I am inclined to try to find someone to help me with this. But I would greatly appreciate your feedback. Which way would you go? Has anyone out there been successful with either treatment? I am overwhelmed but motivated to try something new as soon as possible.


I greatly appreciate any insight you may have to offer.


I am interested to see where you went with this. Have you tried the herbs?

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