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My 6 year old son started with tics at age 4,but we didn't realize what they were until March of this year. After numerous Dr.'s we are finally seeing a great Environmental Dr that is helping him ALOT. We have found that corn and peanuts affect his tics, we were doing so good with not seeing any tics during end of summer. Now he has been in school for 3 weeks and last week his tics started up again and I cannot figure out why.. Do seasonal allergies affect TICS.. if so should i be giving him something for his allergies as he used to be on singular and zyrtec,but in march we took him off everything? Also our Dr has him taking ASD-PLEX which is a powder we add to a little juice each morning and it really tastes awful just wanted to see if anyone has any other suggestions he can take similar to the ASD-PLEX.

Thank you for any help

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi,Whit-- Welcome to the Forums!


Sorry to be so long in getting a response to you.


It's good to read that you have an environmental physician and your son has been doing better over the summer--but sorry to read about the recent setback after starting school this year.


First, for sure seasonal allergens can affect tics. Many parents on this forum could confirm this.


When tics start up during back-to-school time, there's a number of things you can look at in addition to outdoor allergens--particularly the indoor environment in the school as well as any chemical exposures outside.


Can you please tell us a little more--


Where do you live--city or state? and what is his classroom/school building like? Is it old and moldy, or new, or freshly painted, carpeted, etc?


Is your son on any treatment beyond the ASD-PLEX (sorry not to have a replacement to offer) and dietary restriction--avoiding, I assume, corn and peanuts? Did your doctor put you on any other avoidance program?


Would love to know more.


Hi Sheila,

Thanks so much for the reply,, Luckily things have calmed back down and he has been doing great for the past week! We live in MO. I think the problem was DAIRY.. i was packing him snacks that had dairy in them that week and ever since i eliminated that he has been doing better. I even tested it and gave him some dairy this weekend and started to notice them coming back. He is being treated right now for yeast with difulcan, but only has a few days left of that medicine after being on it for 3 months. We are switching over to the ASD-PLEX in pill form to see if that will be better for him. We were just at the DR and he did the skin test and he has a reaction to a lot of things,but SOY and ALMONDS were the worst. So we are now rotating his foods and are not going to worry with having him get any neutralization (shots) at this time, since he is doing so good. In the beginning of february we are planning on doing that type of testing for his seasonal allergies as he gets really bad March -May.

His school just remodeled about 3 years ago and he is in the new part of the building, the classrooms do have carpet.


Thanks so much for your help and your amazing book!


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