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DD Biting Down on Teeth Repeatedly

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DD says she feels that she has to bite down hard on her teeth over and over. This just started tonight. Might parasites be causing this? DD has major food allergies, some positive Lyme bands, high C4A, chronic Myco and Pans. Thank you for any help.

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My DD had this and it was a tic. It was caused by an allergic reaction to ????? It went away after 4-5 days of Zyrtec. She is also on long term abx.


Another possibility is that it is an OCD compulsion. CBT would help that. Give her a strategy, something else to do when she feels that she "needs" to bite down, or better yet, get her a session with her therapist to help her. You don't want dental problems from this.

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Sorry to hear this. I agree, it's a tic or OCD compulsion. Our DS had a similar problem a couple of years ago, right after he got braces. He could not stop biting the inside of his cheek. This caused a downward spiral in all sorts of symptoms for several weeks. We had to get his braces removed. It took forever for his cheek to heal. We think bacteria was getting in, and also thrush was on his tongue...caused major autoimmune reaction in general, more swelling in brain, I think. He has had previous issues with any type of dental work, especially teeth being pulled. We have held off on braces. They cause inflammation anyway, with gums and such, all too close to the brain for him...it was a nightmare.

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