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Sida acuta & Hawthorne Question

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Can I put those in a capsule?


Can I, should I, mix them together (the integrative neuro said to mix 1 to 1)....or try each separately?


DS16 will take almost anything in a capsule, but is more resistant to other modes.


Thanks in advance,



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Buhner says you can mix all of his herbs and take them together. That taking herbs as a mixture increases the number of anti-microbial constituents, reducing the probability of resistance by the bacteria. Both sida acuta and hawthorne are part of his bartonella protocol, along with houttuynia, japanese knotweed, EGCG, l-arginine (which we don't use), and milk thistle.




See Co-infections protocol.


If you are trying to find optimal dosage you will want to increase only one herb at a time (leaving the dose of the other constant) and keep an eye out for die-off reactions.


We get sida as a tincture from WoodLandEssence and hawthorne as a powder in capsule form from Nature'sWay. The tincture could be dropped into an alcohol-proof capsule, if there is such a thing.

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WoodLandEssence is highly recommended by Buhner. I would trust them above Nature'sWay.


We just happen to have Nature's Way in our local health food store and it's too easy to go there to pick up hawthorne when I run out!

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Ok, he's sleeping a ton again and doesn't like the taste of the tincture. Any suggestions other than juice?

Also, he is sleeping, A LOT, this may be how his body deals with die off/herx, how long do I let it go before I stop or just give once a day? We are doing 15 drops twice a day.


Should I ask to add Doxcycline?


Thanks as always,


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