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I was just reading an interesting blog about tracking the Lyme cycle. The person to tracked their symptoms to identify the Lyme disease reproductive cycle within themselves. It was just suggested to me by dd's llmd that her symptoms are mimicking the Lyme cycle (she has not tested positive for Lyme, only myco p so far). Does anyone use a symptom tracker? I would be very interested in finding one, or creating one! I do jot down notes to track her symptoms and meds, but my system is very unorganized and sometimes several days go by and I get too busy to sit down and write, and it's hard to get a grasp on the wax and wane patterns by looking at my notes. Anyone have an effective and user friendly system?


We do/did find cycles with our kids.


Younger DS raged intensely every day for at least a week or more after an antibiotic rotation, then it settled into raging every Wednesday. He did this for at least two months before it finally settled and his baseline improved. At the time we were treating Bartonella and Babesia. Recently, he got a full body rash that cropped up once a week on Thursdays when we added Mepron into his protocol. The first time the rash appeared it was so bad I rushed him to his LLMD and because it looked like it was self resolving we choose to continue treatment. He got the rashes for at least six weeks but each time it happened it was less coverage over his body (took photos) and also resolved within a days time. I can only assume it was Babesia as both times the weekly cycle cropped up we were treating with anti-marials.


We have also found our kids would flair right within the 28 to 34 day cycle for Lyme. We also track 3 days before full moon and after as it can indicate an issue with parasites due to magnetic pull and activation of the reproduction cycle. Our LLMD often pulses parasitic therapies around the full moon cycle for this reason. Babesia is considered a parasite.


I would pick a few predominate symptoms like rages, rash, specific tic, compulsion and track the days that they seem extremely bad. I just noted it on my calendar. Each time we switch antibiotics I note it as day 1 on our calendar. It is shocking to see how easy it is to pick up on a cycle in retrospect.


My friends son was cleaning dishes over and over (not normal behavior) for three days during a typical Lyme cycles at one time. Funny but not, now that he is doing better we can laugh about his cleaning obsession.


It is the symptoms that make you go "Hmmmmm where did that come from" that I would track. Especially those that crop up within 48 hours of starting a new antibiotic.


Rowing Mom has a great symptom tracking spreadsheet that she's shared with us and others. You might want to PM her if she doesn't see this thread right away.


Rowing Mom has a great symptom tracking spreadsheet that she's shared with us and others. You might want to PM her if she doesn't see this thread right away.


I have to give LLM full credit for the Excel spreadsheet and stacked bar chart. I originally got it from her. I only added the colours :) .

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