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Recommendations for LLMD in Southern CA or Northern AZ

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My son is 9 has PANDAs/ Lyme/Autsim and GI problems. He has so many overlapping symptoms of all and its time for a new doc. He has stalled out and still getting a chronic Folliculitis infection on hairline of forehead which always triggers the pandas rage and OCD.


I have been at this 4 years with saw tooth progress but lately getting lost in the treatment and need a new set of eyes.


Any recommendations?? TIA

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Dr. Chitra Bhakta. LA area


Envita in AZ. I am not sure if they treat pediatrics but its worth a call.


Dr. Thoring: http://www.pacificnaturalmedicalcentre.com/aboutdrthoring/


Plenty of Dr.'s in San Francisco area if you want to travel north.... just PM me.




For the Folliculitis.... Have you tried anything like 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide baths. One cup per bath weekly. Have him rest his head back in the water.


This is where we purchase from: http://www.purehealthdiscounts.com/h2o2.htm. The baths have eliminated a lot of surface stuff for me like tiny viral marks, liver spots and even moles (or at least I thought they were moles but probably some type of virus), dry patches of skin, etc.

Edited by sf_mom
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I don't live in Southern CA now, but I did, and my husband, son and I spent last winter (a year ago) and plan to spend next winter there.

Anyway, all that to explain why I know of a couple of Dr.s from the San Diego area, b/c once my son started looking like he had lyme last fall, I considered taking our family out there for awhile to see someone (have in the meantime decided to see a Dr. here in the midwest.)

The Dr.s I've heard of, and that are supposed to be pretty good, are:

(since I don't know if I'm supposed to say their names, I'll just use initials, and cities, but with google searches these dr.s are into lyme enough that you can find their names. One has written two books (McF), and one has been on the question answer panel at the ILADS conference in San Diego in the past year or so and is a mentor of Dr. McF):

- Dr. N. McF. an ND in San Diego (maybe specifically La Jolla I think; treating lyme for 12 years)

- Dr. T. Y in Santee, CA (treating lyme for 20-30 years, can't remember which)


I hope you find just the right doctor for your son.


Oh, and I just reread your post, and saw again the Autism part. Dr. N. McF has worked with many children with autism and lyme. In fact I heard in an interview she gave, which is on youtube, that she started out treating autistic children mostly and now has more lyme, yet still autistic patients too. She is a Naturopathic Dr., but states she uses antibiotics too in her treatment of lyme. You can listen to her interview online; she sounds well informed and experienced, and again Dr. Y in Santee is her mentor.

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also just wanted to add, both Dr. McF and Dr. Y take children; I know b/c I made an appt with Dr. McF originally (it was about 2-3 months out) but of course cancelled it and stayed in town instead.

And, Dr. Y, b/c I called to ask about an appt., and they said she does see children. (my son's four years old)

Also, Dr. Y takes some insurance; can't remember which ones off the top of my head.

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