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Ours is Dr. Della Eng Tow at Capital Area Pediatrics. https://www.capitalareapediatrics.com/Public/Default.aspx She does not write our long-term antibiotics prescriptions. Dr. Carolyn Walsh, an internist in Leesburg is handling that. But Dr. Eng Tow is definitely PANDAS friendly. When we come in and request a throat culture, they just give it no questions asked. I remember hearing the nurse out in the hall saying "but he doesn't have a sore throat or a fever" and hearing the doctor respond "he's a PANDAS patient - they get throat cultures whenever they request them. That should be on his chart. Please make a note of it." We like her a lot. She has written several very detailed letters to the school that have helped tremendously with 504 accommodations.


Not sure where you are looking- if you are in western no Va- (PW co?) I can pm you my family practice. Again no abx rx, but they do cultures and have been helpful through our ordeal.

And bigmighty- had no idea you lived in va! i think i always imagined you were in the Midwest! small world...


A few years ago, several ladies (and a few huisbands) met up at Fair Oaks Mall, Potomac Mills or elsewhere. There were moms from around the beltway, out in western NoVA, and the fredericksburg area.


we live out past prince william county, but I am from ffx (centreville, actually :)


maybe some folks want to meet again?




mpatti -- i first heard of pandas from my son's developmental pediatrician at the Pediatric Care Center in Bethesa. So its not NOVA but in the area. The doctor there tested the titers and put my son on abx and referred to a pandas specialist. I'd say she is pandas friendly but does not have the kind of expertise you would get with a pandas specialist (to which she referred us)

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