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Potential side effects of medications and supplements

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My son takes the magnesium citrate. If your body gets to much, you can have very loose bowels. I had to monitor it with my son to find his correct dosage. He takes 200 mg a day. He is 13, 5' 10" and weighs 180lbs. With the long term ABX, you need a probiotic. Several good brands out there. My son takes his at bed time.


May I ask how long you have been on the Avti Viiral? Has it helped?

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A few abx and magnesium need to be taken 2 hours apart or the magnesium can reduce the abx effectiveness. Same with probiotics and abx. Space them 2 hours apart or the abx may kill the beneficial bacteria. If you post which abx, I can tell you if it interacts with magnesium or not, or you can go to the below link and check for interactions.


Here is a good site for interactions and side effects: http://www.drugs.com


Here is a search for valtrex side effects:



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The effects of long term abx is the potential for gut dysbiosis, getting C Diff, drug resistance, among others. Dr Latimer spoke to this at the PANS conference. She said in all the years she's been prescribing abx long term, she's seen only a couple cases of C Diff. She said that for some reason PANS kids seem to have guts of steel and wondered if their was a connection.

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