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My son had blood work done for Dr. K last week. He finally got it in today and his receptionist said he told her the strep titers were normal. She faxed it to me and this is the gist of it:


Streptozyme screen-------Negative

DNASE S Antibody--------<95 (Reference <376)


He also ran an immunoglobin panel--everything was in range except

Immunoglobin G ----- 694 L (reference 893-1823)

Immunoglobin G Serum 729 L (reference 893-1823)


Those don't seem extrememly low, so I'm not sure if they are significant.

Was really hoping for a positive strep, even though I've heard it doesn't matter if it is negative, it could still be strep.


Some more blood work was done on the same day for a different doctor. I called about those today and it will be about 3 more weeks awaiting the C4A, but she did mention something about white blood cells being low. Does that typically go along with Pandas?




HHV-6 is as important as strep. Did he run those? What about EBV etc.. Viruses are as important as Strep! That is why the definition has been changed to PANS. I am sorry but my frustration is showing. Maybe yours were negative but I notice some get focused only on strep titers and I worry parents will miss an opportunity for healing.


After my DS first flare with strep his immune system became dysfunctional and ANYTHING including a sick sibling, classmate, parent, babysitter, (have even heard about pets) will activate the immune system. The activation causes inflammation in the brain.


Our white blood cells were not low but we found he had life threatening allergies with no physical symptoms. I think everyone's immune system reacts differently as it fights to regain balance.


My son had had the Herpes 6 ran last year and it was positive. I was able to get an appointment last week with Dr. Tanya Murphy last week and I asked her about it. She seemed to think he was more likely to have strep as the etiology with the way he presented. I asked her about the Herpes 6 and perhaps trying Valcyclovir (spelling?). She said when it is viral like that, they are usually much more, gosh I don't remember her words, but like more acute and severe is what she I took from it.


Dr. K said they was finding that PANS doesn't really exist...that it is all Pandas.


So I'm not really sure what to think. Here are two top researchers in the field who are downplaying it, but clearly from the experiences of many here, there is a connection.


It's a little sad Dr K would say "it's all Pandas". He continues to dismiss the idea of other infections and I don't understand why. Maybe his patient base is self-selecting and those who have other infections end up leaving his practice, so he only sees strep cases. IDK. But from my experiences personally and on this forum, it is absolutely not "all Pandas"


Murphy may may right in terms of your son's situation. She knows that you can't rely on titers and that strep infections can be missed. But that's different than saying "it's all Pandas".

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