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I started both my twin boys on the 5HTP about a week ago. Both are doing well with it. With my Pandas ds, it is difficult to tell if his improvement is solely the 5HTP (I doubt it) because he was already starting to look like he was ending his episode anyway before supplementing. That being said, I think it is lending support to mood stability and anxiety reduction. Where I can truly see the difference is in my non-pandas ds. This child (hyper-sensory), has always been my moody, oppositional, child. I can say that I have seen a marked improvement since starting. His moods seem more regulated, and his overall affect is lighter and happier. (of course we all feel better since the ending of other ds's pandas episode!!!) HA!! Seriously though, I feel like I am seeing good things with 5HTP. I assume that the effects it has on increasing serotonin would take weeks to show full effects. So this should be interesting....


50mg once a day. he is 7 and weighs 55lbs. I got it from Bio-tech, they are suppose to be top notch. I may increase to 2x a day, I have to consult our chiro whom recommended them.


qannie47 -- can you coment on your child's sleep after you started HTP? was it OK before the supplement? is it better now? is he sleepy during the day? how about RLS (if RLS was current when you started)?



Hopeny: Yes, that was what my Chiro recommend with dose. Also, when I researched dose for a 55lb child, the dose should be 100mg. We decided to start slowly.


PR40 My child has never had sleep issues. So I cant honestly say how it affects sleep. But it makes sense that since it increases Serotonin, that it should be a big help in assisting sleep issues. NO, he is not sleepy during the day, but my child can be high energy so in my opinion, it would take a lot to make him sleepy. Dr. K was amazed that the benadrill did not knock him out faster when he was given it for IVIG treatment. Years ago, I took a SRI for depression. What I remember is that the initial increase of Serotonin made me sleepy the first couple of weeks, but then my brain adjusted and all I felt was just the calm.


PR40 interestingly my 4 yo has stopped thrashing around in her sleep. I did not realize the 5HTP had this effect. There is a big difference.

My DD4 has major sleep issues and while I have seen a mild improvement it was not the big bang that I was hoping for. It does not seem to make my 9YO sleepy at all.

Both kids had low serotonin on the OAT test. I am curious to retest in a few months, however our dr told me to use 200-300MG for my 4 YO so I am curious as to why she said to go so high based on the information above....

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