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Big Discovery Re: constipation!

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My child has severe constipation. I am talking severe, with rectal prolapse. I noticed every time I start something with iron (floradix with herbs or black walnut oil) she becomes regular. I did a little research and found low ferritin levels can cause constipation. Adding iron to her regimen seems to be the trick for her. Her ferriitin=17. Hope this lasts for her, and I hope this can help others!

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Wow, we just found the opposite- My daughter was rx'd ferritan for mild anemia. I just gave it for 3 days and she was so constipated and grumpy! So, stopped it and gave mirelax...Bad diarhhea...So, then I stopped her abx, and that solved the diarhhea problem...but then she started to flare....put her back on abx and she's good now, but sure was chasing my tail in the House That Jack Built there for awhile! Glad your experience turned out better!

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