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BTW, I just want to clarify that according to the NIMH, Lyme is a possible trigger for PANS, as are all infections, metabolic, and environmental triggers (Dr. Swedo does mention Lyme in her list of possible triggers.)


T.Anna, I am glad that you're getting such good help from Dr. S. and Maimonodes.


Not that anyone asked, but my child's depression improves quite a bit with immune tx and steroids.


LaurenK, does any imaging ever show any changes in your brain?


I'm on the fence regarding the MRI, if we pursue that testing, we may do it through a different doctor.


Right now I need to focus on thyroid.


After thyroid is answered and we decide if we are doing another IVIG this week, then I can focus on other things.


Oh and we decided to proceed with a bar mitzvah for non-pandas son in 2 weeks (just started planning), so there is a lot going on.



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