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Email Dr.T, ask him if he ran the test. He can test it and does sometimes (rarely). You can even just call Silky and ask her to have him answer your email.


Dr. Schulman is away until July 16, so that may not be helpful in the short term (whole office/appointment closed). But you can ask Dr.T is he thinks she'd be able to help. He has also sent people to Najjar, but they have had mixed results with his assistant.



DS 15


Just spoke to Dr. T. (PANDAS) He wants us in 8am tomorrow for more blood work. He said he needs to check for viruses and that Anti-NMDA thing. He said the Anti-NMDA test is usually a spinal tap but he can do blood work too. Not sure if I have that right. He said he will do more in depth testing than NYU (Najjar) I guess I will start with him.


Regarding sleep, have you checked her neurotransmitter levels? I believe its a blood test or urine test - can't remember. Some of these play a role in sleep and there are supplements that can help correct the levels.

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