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My DS (23) has high levels of ammonia via blood test and high levels of lead (34) via urine provoked test.


For ammonia, he was on Lactrolose for 30 days, 2 tablespoons once daily, and then we rechecked the levels and they actually went up...now doc wants him on it 2x day but because of everything else he takes we can't fit it in.


Does anyone know of something else I can use besides Lactrolose. If so, for how long and how much?


Also just received his urine results and it says high levels of Lead. How he could have gotten this I don't know. He was on 6 months of chelation pills (chemet) stopped in March.


Should we go back on them or do IV chelation? Is there another way to deal with this?


any thoughts are appreciated


His Mom


It is very common for those that are unable to chelate heavy metals to also have Lyme. Has he been checked for chronic TBI infection et al?


If chelation is not working for those with Lyme, LLMDs will typically add biofilm protocols to help break them up. Metals are often wrapped up in Biofilms. You can check/test for Biofilms via Fry Labs. I would not recommend treating for biofilms unless he was on combo'd antibiotics as you are drawing out infection.




Yucca root pills help reduce ammonia levels from what I have read. We have them in the cabinet, but have not started them yet. There is much research on farm animals for this, but little research on people. https://www.google.com/#output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=yucca+ammonia+reduction+%2B+human&oq=yucca+ammonia+reduction+%2B+human&gs_l=serp.3..33i21.3676.5285.0.5503.,or.r_qf.&fp=ac88891b1413d7dc&biw=1958&bih=870


Yucca is being used fairly frequently by those who are finding they have CBS mutations. There are some concerns about too much yucca leading to hypoglycemia.




thank you for the replies. Yes, we've been treating lyme for almost 4 years and babesia for 1 year. Suspected Bart because his only symptoms are mentally. Nothing physical, never was.


Biofilms, you take Sera Peptase or Luokimase (sp?) which he has been on for years.



His Mom

Posted (edited)

Sorry I could not remember the details of your history. Your challenges with treatment are now making a ton of sense to me. As for IV Chelation the end result could be similar.... very little dumping of metals if there are untreated biofilms hanging onto them.


Have you looked extensively at methylation/detox, vitamin/mineral deficiencies, KPU? The reason I ask is I could provide you with several different protocols for biofilm treatments (much more aggressive than what is mentioned in your post) but if he is not detoxing properly and pathways are not supported all 'H*** could break loose causing him to worsen and deplete him further. As you may know heavy metals will kick up yeast/fungus and cause an inflammatory response. I am wondering if your prior attempts at chelation caused a yeast issue? Have you run a comprehensive stool analysis recently?


Can your LLMD provide glutatione, HD Vitamin C, Amino Acids or Vitamin IVs? I think providing him with that type of support in advance would give him some relief and prepare him for the BIG BATTLE... heavy metals/biofilms.


We have also found Babesia to be one of the most resilient infections and it has to be hit very hard with both herbals and very strong anti-malarials. At a minimum, it can take two years to treat.


Edit: Ammonia Levels can be tied to high levels of Candida


"One of Candida’s by products is ammonia, an alkaline gas that forms when the Candida Albicans yeast ferments sugar in your intestine. Ammonia increases the alkalinity of your digestive tract, and has even been found to promote the growth of other yeasts"



Edited by SF Mom

High ammonia levels can also be triggered by a CBS mutation. Since the body does not eliminate the ammonia with certain CBS mutation, eating animal protein can result in high ammonia levels. Ammonia is generated when the body breaks down animal proteins.




I must say all this confuses me greatly....We are be treated by a highly regarded LLMD...his last stool sample said no parasites, some levels of metals high but nothing terrible. His latest urine sample just said high lead, mercury just alittle over, nothing bad. His LLMD didn't seem too concerned expect for the lead. It was 34, over 2 is high.


They want us to look into IV chelation, they do not do this so we have to find someone else.


As far as the aluminum, I'm thinking of using AKA....did some research and it looks like something worth trying, any thoughts?


We do have a high protein diet, we eat ALOT of chicken, some beef but all organic and grass fed.

Posted (edited)

I agree with what the others are telling you about the genetic mutation. Certain SNP's can cause high ammonia levels because of abnormalities in biochemical processes. This can be addressed with the appropriate supplements and diet. You might consider doing the 23andme test to get a complete picture. My daughter had high ammonia and sulfates when we first started. We have test strips and her levels have dropped significantly. Ammonia levels can be associated with hand flapping and other stimulatory behavior. I didn't know that for a long time and my daughter (even though she isn't on the spectrum)was prone to hand flap when excited. Since her levels have come down, this has stopped. It was never a really big deal, but something I found interesting.



Edited by Dedee

Dee - wondering what you're using for CBS and what's working for you. DD took Yucca for 2 months but it didn't seem to help with her complaints of fatigue and Yucca raises estrogen, so I didn't refill when it ran out. She takes 75mcg of molybdenum but I just read that high copper can interfere with moly absorption and somehow raise cortisol and elevate TSH - which DD has been battling for some time. And she's had an ongoing issue trying to balance copper/zinc. Carnitine isn't an option for her b/c carnitine can raise your seizure threshold (DD has had one febrile seizure and one clonus episode) and it's used for hyperthryoid, so these two aspects make carnitine a no-go. She's not a big protein eater, except for cheese.


So I'm wondering what's working for you. Also, what are you using for test strips - I've been on the fence about using them - so, so tired of being the nutty mom and previous urine collections have led to stage fright - with me holding a cup under her for 15 minutes while she refused to let things take their course. But...today we had to do a stool test for DS and as I stood in the bathroom shaking the little vials, making poop soup samples, I realized I had just put the nutty mom cap back on anyway, so maybe it's time to order some strips.


Do tell....

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