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A few observations-Day 3 if IV abx

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These are just my observations...


Ear drainage has decreased 100% since starting IV abx. Before abx, it was a yellowish sticky goo that had to be cleaned out if not every morning, at least every day and a half. Now, nothing... :D


Sinus issues seem to have resolved about 50%. I was about to start him on an antibiotic nasal spray, but now I am not sure if I will need to. We will just wait and see for two more days before beginning the spray.


No improvements on the cognitive front which is not surprising. I did not expect anything yet.


On the plus side, his PICC line did open up a conversation with a girl at school. She told him she had Lyme when she was younger and that it took about a year for it to go away. He now knows of one other young person who has beat Lyme.


His dad took him to a podiatrist that recommended orthotics (not custom made, so a little cheaper) for his flat feet. He was having severe ankle pain especially in the mornings. After only wearing them for a few days, they are helping his ankle pain. Dr. J noticed that problem and pointed us in the right direction so I am again grateful to that wise man. :wub:


We are making baby steps towards total body healing.





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So good to hear of the improvements. It is important for our children to know that others have had this infection and beaten it! I wish my daughter had someone to talk to who understands what she is going through.


DD11 was so glad just to hear from me that she didn't have Lyme Disease - I explained that it was a lyme infection. Many people have infections, are treated and recover. This seemed to make a big difference in the way she viewed her symptoms.


DS16 has had to have orthotics for several years to help the tendons in his knees while he is playing lacrosse. Good for Dr J to catch that one. Sometimes problems are not all infection related.

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