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Brief History:


DS11 had signs of PANDAS at a younger age however it came on full force with strep and ALL symptoms including OCD in Sept 2011. We received a proper diagnosis in April 2012, in-patient CBT/ERP, antibiotics & 1 round of IVIG in July 2012. We saw some improvement, followed by a decline upon return to school in September 2012. We did Pex in Nov 2012 and our son was worse than ever. My son then got the flu in Feb 2103 and declined further. It was near impossible to live with the rage, violence, inflexibility etc. We pursued Lyme and ART. Today's results from ART testing are below. The doctor said my son is FULL of parasites. The lyme testing & every possible coinfection registered so high they turned the machine off. Same for STREP which we knew was treatment resistant based on bloodwork. His stomach is extremely disbiotic (I think was the word) due to all the antibiotics, infections, parasites, candida, hpylori, etc.


Part of me is not surprised as his most recent decline indicated how bad off he really is. Our doctor feels he will find relief even from just the first step of the treatment process which is the parasite protocol.


Question: Have any ART followers seen THIS MANY infections/viruses?

















Clamydia Pneumonia







Liver Fluke



Herpes 6




Yes, many of our kids really lyme induced autism/ ADD/ADHD, etc.. And with the vaccines that really throws them over the cliff.

Change in diet can help, treating the parasites, as well as bio film for the gut treatment. Some even use digestive enzymes and that really helps


This is mult. layers and it will take time, patience, probably not going to school is a good idea right now, that may already have happened.

Pouring heavy drugs down our kids doesn't work, too many systems are a mess and don't even process correctly.

Some naturals can be used to help along the way too. I don't even want to estimate a time that this could take to clear up, each child is different.

You may want to get a "Earthing pad " to put on the bed, to help healing too. Think there is even a bio mat thats out, but not sure what its


Get all the support you can get to help. Also have you been tested for any lyme coinfections? Or anyone else in the house?


Maybe this will make you feel better:

We had Zyto testing (sort of the same thing- a machine is used, reads the persons health, etc.)

So, yes, all kinds of fun bacterial infections were listed, including


I said: Uh, RABIES? Wouldn't I be dead?

I was told something along the lines of that meaning I had been exposed to it.

Still... quite disconcerting to see, among a slew of other frightening things.


Remember, that the treatments you use to treat some of these infections will hit more than 1---

Example, typically the treatment for clamydia pneumonia (antibiotic protocol) is the same treatment for Lyme.

We also came up high in parasites- more common than people realize or want to think about.


Thanks Allie! should we all be checked? Is it transmittible to others?

By chance i just found My daughter has Lyme & bart (probably more. I'm taking her for ART next week). And I was hospitalized with what turned out to be Lyme about 5 years ago (suspected to have had it all my life). I'm imagining I may have passed it. I doubt I was ever treated properly so I'm wondering if I could possibly give it back to them? Also husbands never been checked.


Maybe this will make you feel better:

We had Zyto testing (sort of the same thing- a machine is used, reads the persons health, etc.)

So, yes, all kinds of fun bacterial infections were listed, including


I said: Uh, RABIES? Wouldn't I be dead?

I was told something along the lines of that meaning I had been exposed to it.

Still... quite disconcerting to see, among a slew of other frightening things.


Remember, that the treatments you use to treat some of these infections will hit more than 1---

Example, typically the treatment for clamydia pneumonia (antibiotic protocol) is the same treatment for Lyme.

We also came up high in parasites- more common than people realize or want to think about.

Thanks s & s

How long did it take to get rid of parasites? Is there herxing?

Posted (edited)

sorry - no real time to reply, but YES!

ds was, i think, the ripe old age of almost 6 at the first time. doc said somewhere, somehow his immune system took a hit and then everything else piled in.

good luck with treatment!

Edited by smartyjones

Hello- you asked me about parasites.

It took rounds of different herbs and medications to treat-

with a messed up gut of bacteria, yeast and parasites,

it can take some time.

And, IMO, the lovely bunch of junk can travel and hang out together-

Humaworm is an herbal product we started with - their website will tell you more than you ever wanted to know about parasites-

Some of the herbs in Humaworm hit yeast as well- my dd does not do well with high phenol herbs, so she did better on prescriptions.

Our treating LLMD had us do some rounds of Albendazole, Ivermectin- did some Pin-X

also, Tindamax and Flagyl hit parasites. The herb Clove kills parasite eggs.

Crazy as it sounds, these crazy creatures replicate around the full moon each month- that can be a rougher time as far as herx goes-

Detox best you can- and my famous saying, make sure the bowels move regularly and frequently.

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