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Medical hypnosis?

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LLMD "thinking outside the box" suggested looking into medical hypnosis. Not what it sounds - from what I have quickly researched, it can cause a shift in the brain to adjust healing, ie: reducing inflammation. It is supposed to work especially for people who resist other coping strategies. (CBT etc.) For the record, this reknowned LLMD is not accustomed to patients with OCD (! I thought many lyme kids had OCD !) ) Dd12 still blood testing for high lead and West Nile, and ART testing (through a different doc) for babesia.

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Hi, I'm courious about this. We think my DD16 in addition to her GDD she is suffering from Selective Mutism. We were thinking of this as a possible option prior to start of her rage attacks last November. Did the LLMD provide a starting place?


I haven't been exposed to CBT but maked some assumptions. What I started doing with DD16 is when I realise the onset of her patterns I try to get her to change her thoughts. Usually just by getting her to laugh and playing around, anyhing really just to occupy her brain with something else. I have no real clue as to what I'm doing but it seems to have an effect. If I leave her be, it often develops into a meltdown or extreme mood swings.

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Unfortunately he just told me to research it. But some folks who have PM'd me have had same idea/suggestions. It is similar to what is used with cigarette smoking - helps the brain to promote healing action in the body.

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Unfortunately he just told me to research it. But some folks who have PM'd me have had same idea/suggestions. It is similar to what is used with cigarette smoking - helps the brain to promote healing action in the body.

I have found someone very close to my house that advertises that she does it, and appears to have a lot of testimonials on her website. I have started corresponding with her to get more info.

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