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My DS 3 has just been put on Augmentin. It is 600mg, 1/2 tsp, 2x daily. It just started on Wednesday. Yesterday I noticed throat clearing, which he has never had. Today I still notice that, along with opening eyes wide, and sometimes opening his mouth while opening his eyes.

I'm guessing it could be a herx. Lyme and Co were negative through Clinical Labratories. But, we still need to do IgeneX, which we hope to do in the next two weeks.

If it is a herx, what should I be doing? I did give him some Children's Advil.

And if it is him not detoxing from the meds quickly enough, what can I do? I did give him a warm epsom salt bath earlier.


Desperate for some advice. Thank you.


Keep the bowels moving with magnesium just past bowel tolerance, or we use psyllium husk (metamucil). Fresh squeezed lemon juice with stevia a couple of times a day. DD11 always tics as a herx reaction to protocol changes.


Thanks for the advice ladies. He is just so young, 3 1/2, that I have a hard time deciphering who he REALLY is, know what I mean? He started with slight symptoms at 29 months old, after DD's onset. But the tics I know aren't "normal".


He was okay prior to starting abx. We put him on the Augmentin, due to a rash on his back, which Dr. B thinks could be impetigo. And for his emotional lability. I may see a slight change in his emotional lability, for the better.


I really think we are dealing with Lyme here. I just need to send out the IgeneX test. I just did one for my youngest DD, and it was pretty positive, and I believe she got it through breastmilk, as I just had a significant positive band. And he was breastfed as well. The neti pot sounds interesting Nancy. I will definitely have to look into that. Dr. B also says my oldest DD's sinuses looks slightly infected.


How do you dose magnesium?

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