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Question on 'acceptable' lead in calcium supplements?


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I talked to the owner of Freeda a pharmist...

First he said :


"children needs for Dicalcium Phosphate for growing bone..Adult needs Calcium Citrate(best form of absorbtion)...


All things have lead ..water....food u eat ..the question is how much...?


NYC allows 6ppm(parts per ...forgot what m stands for)..


California follows the standard of 0.3 ppm...


Which is what Freeda uses..."


I feel a lot better..and he understands my concern..he came right out to answer it..

I am not the first..


Although he can be lying..:-)

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Here is the email sent from the Doctor.


Dear Mr. Quan,


Freeda Vitamins is quite aware of the problem of lead in calcium. We have set our standards beneath the most stringent government requirements. Freeda's products contain less than 0.3 ppm (parts per million). Incidentally, calcium phosphorus is used because it supplies phosphorus (it is not known as lime).


If you have any other questions on this subject, please call our nutritionist, Dr. Zimmerman, at 800-777-3737 Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm EST.




Freeda Vitamins



Does anyone have a suggestion which is the best multivitamin for kids?



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