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New here.. Need opinions

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Hi, I found this website a few days ago when my almost 7 year old DS kept taking deep breaths.. And I discovered in a few places as well as on the TIc/Tourette's board that it was probably a tic (or anxiety) since no other cold symptoms, coloring was fine, etc.


I explained his history on there (I tend to ramble lol) but basically.. Over a christmas break, his older sister was diagnosed with a yucky virus and strep.. The day she got her antibiotic, this kiddo had the same symptoms and I had a prescription called in for him. The other two kids came down with it the day after and I had antibiotics called in for them as well. About four days after the antibiotic was finished, he suddenly did these huge arm movements whenever he was excited.. After a few days of it not going away, I googled.. And I read about tics, Tourette's and also PANDAS.


But.. In my search, I discovered that DS has many other motor tics that he has had for probably two years, (some have come and gone) so I presumed it wasn't PANDAS. Two weeks ago he woke up with a Croupy cough so I took him into the dr for oral steroids and also asked about his tics. The dr told me it was a Tic disorder and about it.. I forgot to mention PANDAS.


Someone on the Tic board suggested that I post here as well.


So, in your opinions, can the sudden, very obvious motor tic be related to strep or antibiotic/PANDAS in addition to tics? Or did it just happen to pop up? It has since decreased quite a bit.


And if I get him tested, how can I find a dr in Salt Lake City, UT that is familiar with this? What testing so i ask for? I also think he has some ADD going on.. Do I just go to a neurologist or something about everything?


I'd love to hear any thoughts or advice.

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I am sorry no one responded to your posting. If it is a sudden tic, yes, it can be PANDAS. I can PM you the bloodtests one of the PANDAS docs ordered for our kids.

You can look up Utah PANDAS drs on Drs list at this forum.

You are lucky that your DS's tics subsided.

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My 7yo began with only tics, for a long period of time. We only decided to consider it a PANDAS symptom because we had two others with PANDAS.

treatment with steroids and abx have eliminated the tics for months at a time, and then they have recurred a few times, each time remitting with steroids. Eventually, she did develop psych symptoms with her tics.

Please consider this as a diagnosis for your son. We also have the adhd component as well, for two of our children with pandas. This was not present before pandas onset.

Edited by PowPow
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For us the tic came on very suddenly. Prior were all the behavioral neuro-psych stuff in the weeks and months prior. So yes, the tic can suddenly appear. We are having a decent time after one+ year of DAN protocol healing the body.


As for tests, complete strep titer would be a good place to start. Also for us, mycoplasma IGG and IGM would also be good.


I am sure others will chime in with other blood work at the same time to prevent additional draws, which for some of us can be quite difficult.


Let me know if you need anything else.

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